Foundations are exported to CSI SAFE and the analyzed model is imported back to AEC | BOLT Building Deisgn Suite from this section
Figure 1
→ Click Design Strip to draw the strip directions (if not defined for foundation before) as demonstrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2
→ Click Select Foundation Objects and select the foundations to be exported to CSI SAFE from the pop up window illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3
→ Select Analysis Source of the loads which will be transferred from columns and shear walls to foundations as demonstrated in Figure 4.
→ Enter clear cover top&bottom values
→ Enter spring mesh size and k values for X&Y directions
Figure 4
→ Select Generate Rigid Zones, Generate Columns Above, Generate Shear Walls Above as True and enter the strip spacing, rebar number and rebar material in the spreadsheet demonstrated in Figure 1.
After all the necessary parameters are set;
→ Click Export SAFE (.f2k) File button as shown in Figure 1.
AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite will create .f2k file of the foundations. Next steps are the same with the steps of 1st Floor page.