Access the general settings by navigating to the "Project Settings" option in the spreadsheet menu under the "Project" tab.
Project Settings
Open Project
To view other projects, click on "Open Project" and navigate back to the main page of the account library.
Revision History
To access the update history of the project stored in the cloud, click on "Revision History".
The AEC|BOLT Building Design Suite's BIM Cloud securely stores previous versions of the project in cloud storage, allowing convenient access to any specific version and enabling easy undoing of recent changes made to the project.
Figure 2
→ To access and copy the cloud link of the revision model, click on the share icon (refer to Figure 2).
→ Click on the changes icon in Figure 2 to view changes made in that specific revision history.
→ To reload the revision version of the project, click on the reload icon (refer to Figure 2).
→ Duplicate the project by clicking on the copy icon in Figure 2.
Log Out
To log out from the AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud, click on the "Log out" option (refer to Figure 1).
User Management
To add a new user to the project, click on "User Management". You have the ability to assign different levels of authorization to the added users. In addition to granting read and write permissions, it is also possible to designate a user as an admin. Once a user is assigned as an admin, they cannot be removed from the project.
→ Enter the registered e-mail address of the new user then click “Add to Project Team” (Figure 3).
→ Select the permission status of the user (Figure 3).
→ Select the role of the user in the project (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Quick Import
Click “Quick Import” to import and set the databases and templates easily.
AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud enables users to import and set the necessary databases and templates with a shortcut button.
→ Select the templates and databases to be imported from the checkbox (Figure 4).
→ Click OK.
Figure 4
Figure 5
AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud will communicate with the library and import the databases and templates then set them as default.
→ Click the “Update” button to save the settings to the cloud.
Drawing Settings
Any customized AutoCAD drawing template specific to a project/company can be included in the drawing environment.
The drawing layer template available in the library is imported from this spreadsheet.
→ Click “Project/Project Settings/Drawing Settings/Import Drawing Template” to import the drawing layers as in Figure 6.
Figure 7
→ Select a template from the checkbox (Figure 7).
→ Click “Import”.
BDS Settings
Building Design Suite settings appear in this spreadsheet.
Figure 8
→ Set the properties shown in Figure 8 as “True” or “False” accordingly.