Deck Construction [EX1-SIG]

Deck Construction [EX1-SIG]

After clicking on 'Construction> Superstructure Construction> Deck Construction' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Deck Construction. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.


Click three-dots icon on Pouring Stage cell and select a Construction Stage as Cast1PourStage.


As a result of these operations, an issue will appear on the OpenBrIM screen. This does not necessarily mean that any operation was done incorrectly. The issue will be resolved when the deck is define in the next step.



Click three-dots icon on Hardening Stage cell and select a Construction Stage as Cast123GainStiffStage.


Click the three-dots icon on the Deck cell, and then set Deck1.


Keep the Start Skew, End Skew, Haunch Load and Self Weight Factor as default.


Go to the Longitudinal tab and specify the stations of deck pouring in the longitudinal direction.

Keep the Start Station as default.


Enter the End Station as 111.


Go to the Transverse tab and specify the stations of deck pouring in the transverse direction. This example includes a complete casting sequence. Therefore, Keep the Transverse Const. Type as Complete (as default).


Set name as DeckCasting1.


To model all the deck construction, copy the data below and paste the parameters into the first cell in OpenBrIM spreadsheet. Refer to the quick tip for an easy guide on how to perform the copy operation. After completing the copy, proceed to the next step to verify the model.

Deck Construction

Deck Construction

Deck Casting

DeckCasting1 Cast1PourStage Cast123GainStiffStage Deck1 0.0000 0.0000 Ignore 1.0000 DeckCasting2 Cast2PourStage Cast123GainStiffStage Deck1 0.0000 0.0000 Ignore 1.0000 DeckCasting3 Cast3PourStage Cast123GainStiffStage Deck1 0.0000 0.0000 Ignore 1.0000 DeckCasting4 Cast4PourStage Cast45GainStiffStage Deck1 0.0000 0.0000 Ignore 1.0000 DeckCasting5 Cast5PourStage Cast45GainStiffStage Deck1 0.0000 0.0000 Ignore 1.0000


DeckCasting1 0.0000 111.0000 DeckCasting2 211.0000 319.0000 DeckCasting3 419.0000 530.0000 DeckCasting4 111.0000 211.0000 DeckCasting5 319.0000 419.0000

The completed deck constructions are illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips.


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