OpenBrIM Platform & Library Release Notes
How to Interpret Release Notes: Understanding the Two Types of Versioning
When reading release notes, it's important to be aware that there are two types of versioning to consider: one for the OpenBrIM Platform software and another for library objects. Furthermore, each project template may utilize different versions of these library objects.
Project templates serve as containers for these library objects, each coming with specific instructions about which version of the library objects should be employed. For instance, the Steel I Girder Bridge Workflow Template (V2) may use pier cap object version 15, while the Steel Tub Girder Bridge Workflow Template (V2) may opt for pier cap object version 14.
Keep in mind that each OpenBrIM private workspace may employ varying versions of both the OpenBrIM software and library components.
OpenBrIM Platform Version
With each OpenBrIM version, there can be enhancements to core features, including the introduction of new UI elements, improvements in finite element analysis, and enhancements in 3D rendering, among others. To gain insight into the specific updates included in an OpenBrIM release, you can refer to the following page.
When you access OpenBrIM within your company's private workspace, you can easily identify the version you're using. For instance, when viewing the platform from the home screen, the version number is displayed prominently, as illustrated in the screenshot below (e.g., 3.231024). Additionally, when you open a project, you'll find the version indicated both at the top and bottom of the interface, as highlighted by the red rectangles in the screenshots below
If we continue with the above version example, when reviewing the release notes, if you encounter a version number greater than 3.231024, such as 3.231120, it indicates that any changes made between versions 3.231024 and 3.231120 do not apply to your current workspace. In such cases, we recommend reaching out to the support team to discuss the possibility of incorporating this version into your workspace as part of the standard release.
OpenBrIM Library Version / Project Template Version
For example, when you export your project inputs to Excel from the export menu, you will observe that the first two pages of your input Excel sheet resemble the table below. This table provides information about the versions of each OpenBrIM Library object.
The Project Template Version provides an overview of all library objects utilized within the project, offering instructions for each library object and specifying the version used in that project template.
For instance, when you update the project template version to the next one, it may introduce changes such as adding new library objects (e.g., abutment) to the list, removing certain library objects (which might have been deprecated and their features integrated into other library objects), and updating the versions of some library objects (e.g., the next version of the pier cap).
To summarize, project templates serve as containers for these library objects, each coming with specific instructions about which version of the library objects should be employed.
Project Template Name | Steel Girder Bridge |
Project Template Version | 9 |
Library Component Label | Library Component Name | Library Component Version |
Roadway Alignment | Alignment | Core |
Bridge Alignment | OBPBridge | 2 |
Support Lines | OBPSupportLine | 2 |
Insertion Point | OBPInsertionPoint | 2 |
Girder Layout | OBPGirderLayout | 3 |
Materials | Material | Core |
Rebars | Rebar | Core |
Sections | Section | Core |
Strands | Strand | Core |
Bolt Property | OBPBoltProp | 1 |
Column Tendon | OBPTendonColumn | 5 |
Construction Stage | OBPConstructionStage | 3 |
Pier Cap/Bent Deconstruction (Complete) | OBPDeconstructionPierCapComplete | 2 |
Pier Cap/Bent Deconstruction (Partial) | OBPDeconstructionPierCapPartial | 2 |
Steel I Girder Load Rating | OBPGenLoadRatingSteelIGirder | 1 |
In the context of OpenBrIM, if you encounter the same OpenBrIM version in different workspaces, it implies that these versions are identical. However, the OpenBrIM Library versioning system can encompass entirely distinct versions within various workspaces. For example, when creating a new workspace for Company A, their Steel I Girder Library objects may start at version 1. Conversely, another company with a three-year history of using OpenBrIM might encounter Steel I Girder Library objects at version 120. In reality, both version 1 and version 120 represent the same library objects.
In public spaces, we'll use dates and OpenBrIM Community workspace library versions to provide this information. As for your private enterprise workspace, we will share the specific template version number and any applicable library updates that have been transferred to your workspace through Slack.