Construction Stage [EX1-SIG]
After clicking on 'Construction> Construction Stage' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Construction Stage. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.
1 | Set name as SubstrConstStage. |
2 | Keep the Prior Stage as default. | |
3 | Keep the Construction Method as default. You can refer to the Quick Tip below to learn about the working principle of the Construction Method parameter. |
4 | ||
5 | By using the option ‘Select’ ,set the Load Type to Dead. Then click ‘OK’. |
6 |
7 | Keep the Time Dependent parameters as default. |
8 |
9 | Keep the AASHTO N-3N parameters as default. |
10 | Set material parameter to deck material to modify the modulus of elasticity for each stage. Enter Composite Section parameter as long-term for permenant loads and short-term for transient loads. You can refer to the Quick Tip below to get information about the Composite Section. | |
11 | ||
12 | To model all the construction stage, copy the data below and paste the parameters into the first cell in OpenBrIM spreadsheet. Refer to the quick tip for an easy guide on how to perform the copy operation. After completing the copy, proceed to the next step to verify the model. |
Construction Stage | |
Stage SubstrConstStage NULL None Dead Yes
GirderStage SubstrConstStage None Dead Yes
SIPFormworkStage GirderStage None Dead Yes
Cast1PourStage SIPFormworkStage None Dead Yes
Cast2PourStage Cast1PourStage None Dead Yes
Cast3PourStage Cast2PourStage None Dead Yes
Cast123GainStiffStage Cast3PourStage Equal Change Yes
Cast4PourStage Cast123GainStiffStage None Dead Yes
Cast5PourStage Cast4PourStage None Dead Yes
Cast45GainStiffStage Cast5PourStage Equal Change Yes
FBarrierStage Cast45GainStiffStage None Imposed Dead Yes
FutureWearingStage FBarrierStage None Wearing Surface Yes
LLStage FutureWearingStage None Live (Vehicular + Impact) Yes
WSStage FutureWearingStage None Wind on Structure Yes
TUExpStage FutureWearingStage None Temperature Yes
TUContrStage FutureWearingStage None Temperature Yes
BRStage FutureWearingStage None Braking Yes
CentStage FutureWearingStage None Centrifugal Yes
WLStage FutureWearingStage None Wind on Live Yes | AASHTO N-3N SubstrConstStage NULL NA
GirderStage NULL NA
SIPFormworkStage NULL NA
Cast1PourStage NULL NA
Cast2PourStage NULL NA
Cast3PourStage NULL NA
Cast123GainStiffStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
Cast4PourStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
Cast5PourStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
Cast45GainStiffStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
FBarrierStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
FutureWearingStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Long-Term(3n)
LLStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
WSStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
TUExpStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
TUContrStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
BRStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
CentStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n)
WLStage Fc_4ksiforDeck Short-Term(n) |
The completed construction stages are illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips.