OpenBrIM.Analysis is the world's first and only parametric, cross-platform, high-performance 3D finite element that runs in a browser. OpenBrIM supports all core finite element features specified in the OpenBrIM standard.
Supported Element Types:
Spring Stiffness Element (Linear/Nonlinear)
6x6 Stiffness Element (Linear)
Line Element (Linear/Nonlinear) (Elastic/Inelastic)
Surface Element (Linear/Nonlinear)
Volume Element
All finite elements support local/global end offsets, global end releases, and overrides. Pre-stressing tendons also support pre-tension/post-tension, internal/external, and bonded/unbonded configurations and include elastic shortening and short- and long-term loss effects.
OpenBrIM.The analysis provides immense customization options for loading cases allowing users to simulate the most complex loading conditions with ease:
Each loading case can be set to run in linear or nonlinear mode.
Element properties can be overridden for each loading case.
Finite elements can be activated, deactivated, or set as weight/stiffness for each load case.
OpenBrIM.Analysis supports a wide range of loading capabilities:
Nodal loads and nodal displacement loads
Element loads
Temperature loads (uniform, linear, nonlinear gradient)
Prestressing loads
Vehicular and pedestrian live loads
Wind loading
OpenBrIM.Analysis can perform:
Linear/Nonlinear Static Analysis
Pushover/Buckling Analysis
Influence-Surface Based Live Load Analysis
Eigenvalue/Ritz/Response Spectra Analysis
Staged Construction Analysis