Steel Tub Girder Bridge Design Reports [QG-6]

Steel Tub Girder Bridge Design Reports [QG-6]

Access Steel Tub Girder Training Example

Please follow below instructions in order to access ‘Steel Tub Girder Training Example’


→ Log in to your account and locate the 'Project' option in the top right corner.


→ Click on 'Project' and then select 'NEW' from the top left corner of the screen.


→ Under the 'Example Project' section, click on 'New Project' specifically located within the 'Steel Tub-Girder Training Example'.



→ Provide a name for your project and proceed to open the example project.



Please note that the initial download process for the library components take approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete. The reopening of the same project will experience a notable increase in speed, primarily due to the caching of OpenBrIM library objects within your browser. The loading of library objects during this process generally takes less than 2-3 seconds.



View Design Reports of Steel Tub Girder Training Example

Please follow the instructions provided below to initiate steel tub-girder code check reports.

In this section, we will examine the code check reports supported by the Steel Tub-Girder Workflow.

  • Steel Tub-Girder Code Check

  • Internal Cross-Frame Code Check

  • Field Splice Code Check

  • Pier Cap Code Check

  • Pier Column Code Check

  • Pier Footing Code Check

  • Pile Capacity Code Check


Please ensure that the 'FEM' button located in the top-middle of the screen is active. If the button is inactive, the 'Analysis' button will not appear.






Once the 'Analysis' button appears in the top left corner, it indicates that the FE model has been compiled and is ready for analysis.



→ Click on it to initiate the finite element analysis (FEA) of the steel tub-girder bridge.




→ Once the analysis is completed, click the "Close" button to exit the analysis interface.


→ Proceed by clicking the "Design" button to calculate the parametric design parameters and collect the analysis results required for the design reports.

During the design process, you can track the design progress from the top-middle of the screen.

You should keep the design tab visible until the task completes, as hiding or minimizing the page pauses the process of collecting analysis results.



→ After the design run is completed, click on the "OK" button to start viewing the created design reports.


→ Clicking on the "Report" and "Detailed Report" buttons successively will display a range of design reports that can be accessed.


→ By selecting the "Detailed Report" option, you can access a variety of design outputs, including quantity reports, camber diagrams, analysis results for the superstructure at ten-foot intervals, code check reports for individual structural elements, and load rating reports.



Steel Tub-Girder Code Check Report


In the summary report, the code checks for the employed girder, code check station, limit state are presented along with the corresponding design check parameters (D/C ratio, Pass/Fail State).


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Internal Cross-Frame Code Check Report


In the summary report form, the code check values for each chord of the cross frame are presented. Additionally, the summary report format includes gusset plate bolted connection checks.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in red), as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes axial force member checks.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in blue) will open a separate report specifically for bolted gusset plate checks.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Field Splice Code Check Report


In the summary report, the code check parameters for the corresponding splices are presented for splice plates and bolts, considering the D/C ratio. These parameters specifically address the strength and service limit states.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Pier Cap Code Check Report


In the summary report, pier cap code checks are conducted using a design templates, namely for AASHTO (marked in red). The report presents the results of these code checks for the pier cap design.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon (marked in red), as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier cap code checks for flexure, shear, torsion, fatigue and reinforcement limits.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Pier Column Code Check Report


In the summary report, the pier column code check presents the results of code checks as either D/C ratios or in Pass/Fail form, accordingly.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier column code checks for axial force-moment interaction, axial compression, shear, torsion, and reinforcement limits.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Pier Footing Code Check Report


The summary report for pier footing code check includes D/C values and Pass/Fail status for flexure, one-way shear, two-way shear, and reinforcement limits.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes pier footing code checks.


Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:

Pile Capacity Code Check Report


The summary report for pile capacity code check reports the maximum D/C value against the specified pile capacity.


Clicking on the "Detailed Report" icon, as illustrated in the previous step, will open a detailed code check report that includes the most critical results, as well as all the results from different limit states.



Quick Tips - Exploring Design Variables in Depth:


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