Modelling of 1st Floor
Floor plan layout and loading plan of 1st floor are shown below. We are going to use following features while modeling on this floor.
→ Overlay
→ Slab edge & slab piece
→ Slab opening
→ Copy from
→ Overlay above floor drawings
→ Circular & arbitrary & rectangular column
→ Column section change
→ Column transfer by slab
→ Shear wall & analytical wall
→ Shear wall opening
→ Beam & analytical beam
→ Area loading & duplicate
If the reference drawing of 1st floor is not overlayed;
Go to 1st Floor → Overlay
Select 1st Floor linked drawing
Unselect ( if selected) other linked drawings
Click OK
Drawing Slab
There is 18” transfer slab as shown in the plan layout. Draw it as slab piece.
Draw slab edge using slab edge command
Draw slab pieces shown in reference drawings using slab piece command
Go to 1st Floor → Copy From
Select Slabs (and openings) to copy
Select 2nd floor as source
Click Select Graphically
Copy the same slab pieces (and openings) from the floors above.
Draw the remaining slab pieces using slab piece command.
Edit the thickness, offset, clear cover properties of slab objects in spreadsheet
Drawing Opening
Copy the openings which are the same from floors above if you did not copy at the same time with slab pieces.
Draw the openings using commands shown on the right.
Drawing Columns
You must set foundation drawing as reference drawing file of 1st floor to see the columns below.
Go to Stories item in tree view
Change the drawing file of 1st floor
Select below plan (foundation) as drawing file
Go to 1st Floor → Overlay
Select 1st Floor linked drawing
Click OK
Now you see the columns and shear walls below for 1st floor.
Copy the columns which are the same from floors above. Be aware there are column transfers in this floor level. Do not copy the columns to be transferred by slab.
Go to 1st Floor → Copy From
Select Columns (and shear walls) to copy
Select 2nd floor as source story
Click Select Graphically.
Draw the columns that are not exists in floors above using commands shown on the right.
You can see which columns are discontinuous by overlaying the columns above and reference drawing at the same time.
Go to 1st floor → Overlay
Select columns of 2nd floor
Select 1st floor linked drawing
Click OK
Columns of 2nd floor and reference drawing of 1st floor will be overlayed as shown below.
Drawing Shear Walls
Shear walls which are the same with 2nd floor can be copied at the same time with columns.
Go to 1st Floor → Copy From
Select Shear walls object to copy
Select 2nd floor as source story
Click Select Graphically
Select the same shear walls
Update the project
Go to 1st Floor → Copy From
Select Shear walls object to copy
Select Upper Roof as source story
Click Select Graphically
Select the same shear walls
Update the project
Or draw the shear walls.
Go to Shear Walls
Click Shear Wall
Draw shear wall
Select the material of the shear wall
Go to Analytical Walls
Click Analytical Wall
Draw analytical lines
You must draw a straight line from mid point of one edge to mid point of other edge of shear wall. If shear wall is not straight you must draw analytical walls for each directions of shear wall parts.
Enter thickness of each analytical wall
Do not forget to draw shear wall opening with dimensions below.
Go to analytical wall which the opening will be drawn
Click elevation view
Click Wall Opening → select rectangle shape
You must consider point locations on plan and elevation view.
Draw a rectangular opening with dimensions above.
Click Show Story to go back to plan view.
Be aware that there is a shear wall below for 2nd floor that does not continue at floors above.
Draw that shear wall as explained above.
Go to 2nd Floor → Shear Walls
Click Shear Wall
Draw the shear wall which does not exist in floors above
Click Spreadsheet Data → Analytical Walls
Click Analytical Wall
Draw analytical wall linked to the shear wall
Click No Break Pts button of the analytical wall
Draw break points
Edit the thicknesses and offsets of analytical wall parts
Drawing Beams
You can copy beams from floors or you can draw the beams manually.
Go to 1st floor → Copy From
Select beams object to copy
Select 2nd floor as source story
Click Select Graphically
Select the same beam objects
When you copy beams, analytical beams are also copied.
Go to Beams spreadsheet
Click Draw Beam
Draw beams from face of column/shear wall to face of column/shear wall
Enter the depth of the Beam
Select the material of the beam
Select beam type
If you draw beam manually, do not forget to draw analytical beams.
Go to Analytical Lines spreadsheet
Click Draw Analytical Beam
Draw the analytical beam line
Enter the width and depth of the analytical beam
While analytical beam line command is active, joint points shear walls are become visible. Drawing analytical beam lines using these joints will be more accurate for the generation of FE model.
Drawing Load Geometry
Go to Loads
Click Area
Draw parking/public load areas according to the loading schedule
You will add superimposed dead loads and live loads to the same areas but you do not need to draw again.
Right click on the areas in the spreadsheet
Duplicate areas
Select load cases appropriate to the loading schedule
Click Line
Draw facade load lines and parapet load lines
Select load cases of the line loads.
You can overlap load areas, AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite will calculate the sum of the loads. So you can reach 100 psf live load by intersection 40 psf live load and 60 psf live load area.
You can see the loading geometry by right clicking and selecting in the AutoCAD.
Modelling of 1st floor is completed. Updated 3D view is shown below.