CSI ETABS App Installation Instructions [BDS]
In order to utilize the CSI Etabs results within the AECBOLT Building Design Suite, it is necessary for users to install this application. The installation of this application is optional and only necessary if users wish to incorporate global analysis results from CSI Etabs for shearwall, column, or lateral beam design.
To utilize the AECBOLT Building Design Suite CSI Etabs Connector, users must install the corresponding CSI Etabs version on their machines. Here is a list of supported CSI Etabs versions. Please ensure that the relevant Etabs version is installed before proceeding with the installation of the AECBOLT Building Design Suite CSI Etabs Connector.
Download “AEC|BOLT Building Design Suite App For CSI ETABS v17” from the related version installer link.
Click “Run”.
Specify the disk location with free enough disk space, and click “Next” to continue.
Now your Setup for installation is ready. Click “Install”.
“AEC|BOLT Building Design Suite App For CSI ETABS v17” should be succesfully installed to your local machine.