nth Floor (slab results)
This section is dedicated to viewing the extracted results for the slab analysis, providing the relevant parameters that can be used for slab design. The main parameters for the Aecbolt results are illustrated in Figure 1, while the parameters for the SAFE results are illustrated in Figure 2.
Aecbolt Results
Safe Results
Before proceeding further with the slab design, it is important to ensure that the analysis state reflects the current state of the story. This information is provided in the corresponding spreadsheet, allowing you to verify the status of the analysis for the slab.
When the analysis state is indicated as, it means that there are no available analysis results to proceed with the slab design. In such cases, it is necessary to perform the analysis for the slab in order to generate the required results before proceeding with the design phase.
When the analysis state is reported as "analysis results reflect the current state of the story," it signifies that the analysis results are in line with the current condition of the story and ready to be used in the slab design.