Punching Shear

Punching Shear

Design of slab for punching shear stress is performed in this section.

Figure 1

→ Click Verify Selected button as shown in Figure 1 to verify the punching shear design for selected column or columns.

→ Click Verify All button as shown in Figure 1 to verify punching shear design of all columns of the corresponding story.

Figure 2

Section nominated as “Name” refers to the ID of the column at the floor considered.

“Code Check Template” section demonstrated in Figure 2 shows the design template choice by the user from the “Design Criteria” section. For detailed information regarding design criteria preferences, see https://aecbolt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BDS/pages/159973409 section.

“Status” section in Figure 2 provides preliminary information about the adequacy of the column strength against punching shear.

“D/C Ratio” section in Figure 2 shows the ratio of the punching shear force demand to the punching shear force capacity of the column interested.

The date and time when the check is performed is mentioned in the “Code Check Timestamp” section.

“Reports” section in Figure 2 has a detailed report button. As this button is clicked, a detailed report of the column can be displayed (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Figure 3 contains the 3D View, property list and detailed report of the column.

In the “Controlling Case” section illustrated in Figure 2, the most critical perimeter case (Interior, Edge, Corner) dominating punching shear design of the column is indicated. It is also possible to list and employ critical perimeter cases other than the most critical one in the punching shear design.


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