Footing Surface Load [SIG]

Footing Surface Load [SIG]

Surface loads on footings can be defined using the parameters below.

Footing Load

Footing: Specify the footing to which the load will be applied.

Stage: Choose the stage at which to apply the load.

Fx: Force in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.

Fy: Force in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.

Fz (Gravity): Force in the vertical direction. A positive value indicates a load in the global -Z or gravity direction.

Mx: Moment in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.

My: Moment in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.

Mz: Moment in the vertical direction.

Although Fz is applied in the direction of gravity (positive values for Fz will correspond to the downward direction, as with gravity), Mz will have a positive direction relative to the +Z axis or, in other words, in the upward direction.

The Directions of Forces

For footings with a rotation parameter defined as a value other than zero, the directions of the applied loads are adjusted accordingly. Refer to the figures provided below for further clarification on the directions of positive forces and moments.

Direction of Positive Fx Rotation=0
Direction of Positive Fx Rotation=50


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