Column Load [SIG]
Point loads on column objects can be applied based on the definitions made using the parameters listed below.
Column Load
Column: Specify the column to which the load will be applied.
Stage: Choose the stage at which to apply the load.
Distance From Top: Enter a value to define the location of the load with respect to the start of the column.
Fx: Force in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
Fy: Force in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Fz (Gravity): Force in the vertical direction. A positive value indicates a load in the global -Z or gravity direction.
Mx: Moment in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
My: Moment in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Mz: Moment in the vertical direction.
Although Fz is applied in the direction of gravity (positive values for Fz will correspond to the downward direction, as with gravity), Mz will have a positive direction relative to the +Z axis or, in other words, in the upward direction.
The Directions of Forces
For columns with a rotation angle defined as 0, the forces are applied based on the alignment's coordinate system. For columns with a rotation angle defined as a value other than zero, the forces are applied based on the defined rotation angle. See the figures provided below for further clarification on the directions of positive forces.