Barrier Rail [SIG]

Barrier Rail [SIG]

Barrier rails can be modeled using this object in the workflow.


Barrier: This parameter is used to specify the barrier for which barrier rails will be modeled.

Transverse Offset: To offset the rails in the transverse direction, this parameter can be specified. A value of zero will indicate that the rails are modeled starting from the outermost boundary of the barrier. Positive values will offset the rails to the right when looking upstation along the PGL, while negative values will offset the barrier rails to the left when looking upstation along the PGL.


Rail Section: This parameter can be used to assign a section to the rails. A section can either be assigned from previously defined sections under Properties - Sections or imported.

Top of Top Rail Elevation (From Top of the Barrier): The elevation of the top of the rails can be defined using this parameter, where 0 corresponds to the alignment level, and positive values indicate an upward direction.

Top Rail Start Offset: This parameter can be used to define the longitudinal offset for the straight section of the top rail, starting from the beginning of the defined barrier.

Bottom Rail Elevation Offset (From Top Rail CL to Bottom Rail CL): This parameter can be used to define the vertical position of the bottom rail.

Bottom Rail Start Offset: This parameter can be used to define the longitudinal offset of the bottom rail, starting from the beginning of the defined barrier.

Top Rail Start Elevation (From Top of the Barrier): This parameter can be used to define the initial elevation of the top rail section, where the alignment level is set to 0.

Construction Joint Data: To define construction joints for the barrier rails, this parameter can be used.

  • Length: The length of the section to be defined as a joint can be specified using this parameter.

  • Station: The location of the construction joint in the longitudinal direction can be specified using this parameter.

Construction Joint Type [Bolted/Welded]: This parameter can be used to define the assigned section for the joint to be connected either as bolted or welded. If the section is defined to be connected using bolts, further definitions can be made under the Bolts tab.

Construction Joint Section: This parameter can be used to assign a section to the construction joint. A section can either be imported or selected from previously defined ones under Properties → Sections.

Rail Input Parameters
Construction Joint Input Parameters



The post elements for barrier rails can be defined using the parameters under this tab.

Post Section: A section for the posts of the barriers can be assigned using this parameter. A section can either be assigned from a previously defined one under Properties - Sections or imported.

Orientation [Right/Left]: The orientation of the posts can be defined as left or right, where "left" refers to the left side of the barrier rail, and "right" refers to the right side of the rail when looking upstation along the PGL.

Post Data:

  • Start Station: The start station of the posts to be modeled for the barrier rails can be specified using this parameter.

  • End Station: The end station of the posts to be modeled for the barrier rails can be specified using this parameter.

  • Spacing: This parameter is used to define the spacing between posts along the defined start and end stations. Multiple rows of definitions can be made, where posts may have varying spacings between different stations.


Bottom Plate

The bottom plates of post elements can be modeled using this section.

Thickness: The thickness of the bottom plate in the vertical direction can be defined using this parameter.

Width: The width of the bottom plate in the transverse direction can be defined using this parameter.

Length: The length of the bottom plate in the longitudinal direction can be defined using this parameter.



Post Bolt Properties: A previously defined bolt property under Properties can be assigned to the bolts in Post elements.

Construction Joint Bolt Properties: A previously defined bolt property under Properties can be assigned to the bolts used in construction joints.

Plate Bolt Properties: A previously defined bolt property under Properties can be assigned to the bolts used in bottom plates.


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