Pier Footing Code Check [EX1-STG]
Please follow the instructions provided below to create Pier Footing code check.
1 | In this section, please specify Pier Footing the code check will be applied to. | |
2 | Navigate to Substructure Code Checks > Pier Footing Code Check |
3 | Click three-dots icon on Select Pier Footing and select as RF1 (As a different way, the relevant Pier Footing can be selected on the 3D view by clicking "Pick". | |
4 | Click three-dots icon on Pier Footing Template. Select the PFCCT1 "Pier Footing Code Check" template defined in the previous steps for all. | |
5 | Enter code check station in longitudinal and transverse directions by Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft] and Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft] as 3. | |
6 | How determine "Distance in Longitudinal & Transverse direction from centroid [ft] parameters?
The point indicated by the red circle is the point where the code is checked for pier footing. Enter 3 for "Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft]" and "Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft]" parameters. This is because the section edge of the column (Col_Sec2) has 6 ft (72 in) , half of this value is entered. | |
7 | Navigate Flexural Reinforcements tab.
Set Reinforcement Material as A615_60. | |
8 | Click three-dots icon on Longitudinal Direction Reinforcements and clik Edit.
| |
9 | There are 2 types of Flexural Reinforcement in the section, Bottom and Top. | |
10 | Enter Parameters in combobox as follows for both: | |
11 | Rebar Profile as ASTMA615No6 Spacing of Reinforcements [in] as 10 Distance to Extreme Fiber (concrete cover) [in] as 4 | |
12 | Repeat previous step (row 11) for Transverse Direction Reinforcements. |
13 | Navigate Shear Reinforcements tab. Set Reinforcement Profile as ASTMA615No6 for Longitudinal and Transverse direction |
1 | Navigate to Pier Footing Code Check under Superstructure Code Checks on the tree view. |
2 | Copy Inputs, Flexural Reinforcements, and Shear Reinforcements from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
The Pier Footing Code Check have been created.
Pier Footing Code Check | ||
Inputs | Flexural Reinforcements | Shear Reinforcements |
PFCC1 PFCCT1 RF1 3 3 All | PFCC1 A615_60 [[1, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4],[0, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4]] [[1, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4],[0, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4]] | PFCC1 ASTMA615No6 ASTMA615No6 6 6 2 2 Include |