Pier Footing Code Check [EX1-STG]

Pier Footing Code Check [EX1-STG]

Please follow the instructions provided below to create Pier Footing code check.


In this section, please specify Pier Footing the code check will be applied to.


Navigate to Substructure Code Checks > Pier Footing Code Check



Click three-dots icon on Select Pier Footing and select as RF1

(As a different way, the relevant Pier Footing can be selected on the 3D view by clicking "Pick".


Click three-dots icon on Pier Footing Template.

Select the PFCCT1 "Pier Footing Code Check" template defined in the previous steps for all.


Enter code check station in longitudinal and transverse directions by Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft] and Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft] as 3.


How determine "Distance in Longitudinal & Transverse direction from centroid [ft] parameters?


The point indicated by the red circle is the point where the code is checked for pier footing.

Enter 3 for "Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft]" and "Distance in Longitudinal direction from centroid [ft]" parameters.

This is because the section edge of the column (Col_Sec2) has 6 ft (72 in) , half of this value is entered.


Navigate Flexural Reinforcements tab.


Set Reinforcement Material as A615_60.


Click three-dots icon on Longitudinal Direction Reinforcements and clik Edit.



There are 2 types of Flexural Reinforcement in the section, Bottom and Top.


Enter Parameters in combobox as follows for both:


Rebar Profile as ASTMA615No6

Spacing of Reinforcements [in] as 10

Distance to Extreme Fiber (concrete cover) [in] as 4


Repeat previous step (row 11) for Transverse Direction Reinforcements.



Navigate Shear Reinforcements tab.

Set Reinforcement Profile as ASTMA615No6 for Longitudinal and Transverse direction


Navigate to Pier Footing Code Check under Superstructure Code Checks on the tree view.


Copy Inputs, Flexural Reinforcements, and Shear Reinforcements from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

The Pier Footing Code Check have been created.

Pier Footing Code Check

Pier Footing Code Check


Flexural Reinforcements

Shear Reinforcements

PFCC1 PFCCT1 RF1 3 3 All
PFCC1 A615_60 [[1, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4],[0, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4]] [[1, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4],[0, ASTMA615No6, 10, 4]]
PFCC1 ASTMA615No6 ASTMA615No6 6 6 2 2 Include