Girder Erection (Complete) [EX1-STG]

Girder Erection (Complete) [EX1-STG]

Girder erection is typically only necessary to consider the non-composite state of girders in a design process. As a result, in general industry practice, girders and cross frames are erected in a single stage. However, if the user needs to model a detailed girder erection process, they can utilize the features available under the 'Girder Erection (Partial)' section

Please follow the instructions provided below to define construction of bridge components.


Navigate to Loading > Construction > Superstructre > Deck Erection (Complete)




Click three-dots icon on GirderStage cell.


Select the construction stage as 'GirderStage'


Click three-dots icon on Bridge cell.

Set the Bridge as 'BRG1'



Navigate to Girder Erection (Complete) under Superstructure on the tree view.


Copy Girder Construction from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM


Girder Erecetion (Complete)

Girder Erecetion (Complete)

Girder Construction

GCE1 GirderStage BRG1