Load Combination Table [EX1-SIG]

Load Combination Table [EX1-SIG]

After clicking on ‘Combinations> Design Load Combinations> Load Combination Table' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Load Combination Table. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.


Click on Name cell and set name as SuperstructureLCT.



Click three-dots icon on Strength I cell and select a Limit State as StrengthI.


If you have reached this stage and you don't have a limit state to select, and if you want to use the Import Button, you can refer to the Quick Tip.



To model all the load combination table, copy the data below and paste the parameters into the first cell in OpenBrIM spreadsheet. Refer to the quick tip for an easy guide on how to perform the copy operation. After completing the copy, proceed to the next step to verify the model.

Load Combination Table

Load Combination Table


SuperstructureLCT StrengthI NULL StrengthIII StrengthIV StrengthV NULL NULL ServiceI ServiceII NULL NULL FatigueI FatigueII SubstructureLCT StrengthI NULL StrengthIII StrengthIV StrengthV NULL NULL ServiceI ServiceII ServiceIII ServiceIV FatigueI FatigueII

The completed load combination tables are illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips.




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