Sleeper Slab Head Wall [SIG]

Sleeper Slab Head Wall [SIG]

For the modeled sleeper slabs, sleeper slab head walls can be modeled as a separate object using this object of the workflow.


Sleeper Slab: This parameter is used to specify the sleeper slab for which the sleeper slab head wall will be modeled.

Longitudinal Offset: The sleeper slab head wall will have its center located at the center of the selected sleeper slab when a value of 0 is used for the longitudinal offset definition. Negative values will offset the sleeper slab head wall in the downstation direction, while positive values will offset the sleeper slab head wall in the upstation direction.

Length: This parameter is used to specify the length of the sleeper slab head wall in the longitudinal direction. For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.

Width: This parameter is used to specify the width of the sleeper slab head wall in the transverse direction. For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.

Thickness: This parameter is used to specify the thickness of the sleeper slab head wall in the vertical direction. For a visual representation, refer to the figure provided below.

Sleeper Slab Head Wall Input Parameters


Volume: Based on the definitions provided by the user, the volume of the object is calculated and presented in this column.

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