Pier Column Bracing [SIG]

Pier Column Bracing [SIG]


This object can be used to model bracings between pier columns.

Column Bracing

Columns: This parameter allows you to select two column objects between which bracings will be modeled.

Elevation Reference [From Top of the Column / From Bottom of the Column / Global Elevation]:
The elevation of the bracing can be defined using one of the following reference points:

  • From Top of the Column:
    The top of the chosen columns is used as the starting reference point. A positive elevation value indicates a downward direction.

  • From Bottom of the Column:
    The bottom of the chosen columns is taken as the reference point (0). A positive elevation value indicates an upward direction.

  • Global Elevation:
    The global elevation system can be utilized, where negative elevation values represent a downward direction relative to the reference point. For instance, if the vertical profile of an alignment is defined, and the PGL (Profile Grade Line) is set at an elevation of 100 units, entering a value of -50 here will result in the bracing being offset by 150 units from the PGL elevation.

Elevation: This parameter specifies the vertical distance from the chosen reference point based on the elevation reference, using either positive or negative values.

Section: A section can be assigned to column bracing using this parameter. A previously defined section under Properties - Section can either be assigned, or a section can be imported.

The location definitions for the bracings affect both the 3D model and the FEM. For the FEM of the associated columns, nodes are generated at the exact locations of the bracings.


Mesh Size: The mesh size parameter can be used to define the maximum distance for a single finite element line or the spacing between nodes.



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