Pier Stem [SIG]
A connection element : Pier Stems can be modeled using OpenBrIM.
Bounded Pier Cap? [YES/NO]: If the Pier Stem is defined as being bounded by the Pier Cap and set to ‘YES,’ the object will be generated under the selected Pier Cap. In this case, the Top Elevation Offset from Alignment and Support Line parameters will be marked as not applicable (N/A). If this parameter is defined with the option 'NO,' the Support Line and Top Elevation Offset from Alignment parameters can be specified for the Pier Stem object.
Pier Cap: If the Pier Stem is defined to be bounded by the Pier Cap, a Pier Cap can be selected using this parameter. If the previous parameter is set to 'No', this parameter will be displayed as not applicable (N/A).
Support Line: In cases where Pier Stems are not bounded by a Pier Cap, a support line must be specified to define the location of the Pier Stem.
Stem Width (Transverse Direction): For visual representation, please refer to the figure below.
Stem Thickness (Longitudinal Direction): For visual representation, please refer to the figure below.
Top Elevation Offset from Alignment: When the Pier Stem is not bounded by a Pier Cap, the Top Elevation Offset from Alignment parameter must be specified to define the location of the Pier Stem along the Z-axis.
Transverse Offset: For Pier Stem objects defined to be bounded by Pier Caps, a transverse offset of 0 will position the center of the Pier Stem at the center of the chosen Pier Cap.
The positive direction of the Y-axis will be to the left when looking upstream along the PGL. However, based on the requests of engineers who have been using OpenBrIM for their bridge projects, positive transverse offset values will indicate the right-hand side when looking upstream along the PGL. This distinction should be taken into account when defining the location of bridge elements using transverse offset values (where positive transverse offset indicates the right side), as well as when making definitions related to FEM and loading (where positive Fy indicates the left side along the PGL).
Bottom Elevation: This parameter can be used to define the geometry of the Pier Stem in the Z direction.
Material: The material definition for Pier Stem can be made using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined ones.
Mesh Size Y Direction: The maximum distance between nodes in the elements local Y- direction is specified using the mesh size.
Mesh Size Z Direction: The maximum distance between nodes in the elements local Z- direction is specified using the mesh size.
Rigid Section: To connect the pier stem finite element to the bearing, the user needs to specify the properties of the rigid section. When bearings are longitudinally offset from the support line, rigid elements are automatically generated to link those bearings to the pier stem.
Generate FEM? [YES/NO]: Setting the "Generate FEM?" parameter to "No" can disable the analytical representation of the pier cap substructure.