Lateral Bracing Code Check (AASHTO) [SIG]
Lateral Bracing: Specify the lateral bracing for which the code check is to be generated.
Code Check Template: Specify the previously defined template to be utilized. The code check template is used to extract global parameters, results from finite element analysis, and limit states employed in the design process.
Shear Lag Factor
To perform fatigue and tension fracture check calculations per AASHTO 9th Edition (Condition 7.2, Table and, inputs for connection eccentricity and the maximum length of longitudinal welds are required. Therefore, the effective area can be determined by the formula Aeff = (1-x/L)Ag where x represents the connection eccentricity, L is the maximum length of the longitudinal welds and Ag denotes the gross area of the section.
Top Chord Connection Eccentricity: Specify the connection eccentricity (x) for the chord.
Top Chord Max Length of The Longitudinal Welds: Specify the maximum length of the longitudinal welds (L) for the chord.