External Diaphragm [EX1-CUG]

External Diaphragm [EX1-CUG]

Please follow the instructions provided below to create External Diapgrahm.


Navigate to Diaphragm > Custom Diaphragm

Structural elements are used to ensure that the two Concrete U Girder work together structurally, and these element is the "External Diaphragm”.


Initially, choose the specific locations (Support Lines) where you intend to create "External Diaphragms"



Then click three-dots icon on Girders cell and pick the two Concrete U Girders (CUG1 & CUG2) between which the External Diaphragm will be placed.



Allocate the “Thickness” and “Material” properties to all the "External Diaphragms" that have been created.




Navigate to External Diaphragm under Diaphragm on the tree view.


Copy External Diaphragm from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.

The External Diaphragm that have been created are illustrated below.

External Diaphragm

External Diaphragm

External Diaphragm

EDCUG1 SL1 [CUG1,CUG2] 30.00 Fc_4ksi EDCUG2 SL2 [CUG1,CUG2] 30.00 Fc_4ksi EDCUG3 SL3 [CUG1,CUG2] 30.00 Fc_4ksi EDCUG4 SL4 [CUG1,CUG2] 30.00 Fc_4ksi