An FELine object is used to model beams, columns, and other structural elements that connect two Node objects. To create an FELine object, two Node objects and a Section object are required. The beta parameter represents the angle of rotation of the section around the Z-axis and is expressed in radians.
Example Syntax:
<O T="FELine">
<O N="FELineObject1" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 -->
<O N="AnalyticalLine1" T="FELine" Type="@Beam" Node1="@No1|Node" Node2="@No2|Node" Section="@ColSec1|Section" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" />
<O N="AnalyticalLine2" T="FELine" Type="@Beam" Node1="@No3|Node" Node2="@No4|Node" Section="@ColSec2|Section" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" />
<O N="GP1" T="Group" Y="0">
<O N="No1" T="Node" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O N="No2" T="Node" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="GP2" T="Group" Y="0">
<O N="No3" T="Node" X="0" Y="100" Z="0" />
<O N="No4" T="Node" X="0" Y="100" Z="height" />
<P N="height" V="60" />
<P N="width" V="10" />
<P N="depth" V="20" />
<P N="th" V="2" D="Wall thickness of the tube" />
<O N="Li1" T="Line" Y="0">
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="ColSec1" T="Section">
<P N="Material" V="C20/25" T="Material" />
<O T="Shape">
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O N="Li2" T="Line" Y="100">
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="height" />
<O N="ColSec2" T="Section">
<P N="Material" V="C20/25" T="Material" />
<O T="Shape">
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="-width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="depth/2" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="width/2" Y="-depth/2" Z="0" />
</O> |
Analytical View |
To view this example in the library, see (https://openbrim.org/platform/?application=inc&author=ParamML_Examples_OpenBrIM+Platform&obj=objidhbqjlrqadt4eocjjjljzt) |
<O N="FELineObject2" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 -->
<O N="Frame" T="Repeat" S="0" E="4" I="1" CTRL="j" j="0">
<O N="Geometry" T="Group">
<P N="h_col" V="50" D="column height" />
<P N="b_col" V="1" D="column width" />
<P N="d_col" V="1" D="column depth" />
<P N="b_bm" V="1" D="beam width" />
<P N="d_bm" V="1" D="beam depth" />
<P N="s_col" V="15" D="column spacing" />
<O N="Column3D" T="Line">
<O T="Point" X="j* s_col" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="j* s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O N="ColSec1" T="Section">
<O T="Point" Y="d_col/2" X="b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="d_col/2" X="-b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="-d_col/2" X="-b_col/2" />
<O T="Point" Y="-d_col/2" X="b_col/2" />
<O N="Beam" T="Line">
<O T="Point" X="(j-1) * s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O T="Point" X="j * s_col" Y="0" Z="h_col" />
<O N="BeamSec1" T="Section">
<O T="Point" X="b_bm/2" Y="d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="b_bm/2" Y="-d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="-b_bm/2" Y="-d_bm/2" />
<O T="Point" X="-b_bm/2" Y="d_bm/2" />
<O N="NodeBottom" T="Node" X="j* s_col">
<P N="Tx" V="-1" />
<P N="Ty" V="-1" />
<P N="Tz" V="-1" />
<P N="Rx" V="-1" />
<P N="Ry" V="-1" />
<P N="Rz" V="-1" />
<O N="NodeTop" T="Node" X="j* s_col" Z="h_col" />
<O N="L1" T="FELine" Y="100">
<P N="Node1" V="NodeBottom" T="Node" />
<P N="Node2" V="NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Section" V="ColSec1" T="Section" />
<P N="Beta" V="0" />
<O N="LB" T="FELine">
<P N="Guard" V="j .GT. 0" />
<P N="Node1" V="Frame[j-1].NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Node2" V="Frame[j].NodeTop" T="Node" />
<P N="Section" V="BeamSec1" T="Section" />
<P N="Beta" V="0" />
</O> |
Analytical View |
To view this example in the library, see (https://openbrim.org/platform/?application=inc&author=ParamML_Examples_OpenBrIM+Platform&obj=objidhmcw7okqstd8br6j3dgpnj) |
Rigid diaphragms have extremely high in-plane stiffness properties, so they do not experience membrane deformation or generate the associated forces.
Given these benefits, we can use rigid diaphragms for calculations in our projects.
In OpenBrIM's Finite Element Analysis, rigid diaphragms can be defined “Rigid Line” as shown in the example.
To view this example in the library, see (https://openbrim.org/platform/?application=inc&author=ParamML_Examples_OpenBrIM+Platform&folder=FEM+Objects&obj=objidoby158e9iabvr1q9rt3k5) |
Parameters of FELine Object:
Label | Mandatory | Name and Type Attributes | Default Description and Value Attributes | Other Attributes | |
1 | Node 1 | Yes | N="Node1" | D="Node 1: The start node of the finite element." | Role="Input" |
2 | Node 2 | Yes | N="Node2" | D="Node 2: The end node of the finite element." | Role="Input" |
3 | Beta Angle | No | N="BetaAngle" | D="Beta Angle: The orientation angle to rotate the cross-section about the length of the finite element." | Role="Input" |
4 | Section | Yes | N="Section" | D="Section: The cross-section property of the finite element." | Role="Input" |