As discussed in the introduction, in ParamML, objects are represented by "O" tags. These tags contain attributes that describe or provide additional information about the object. The attributes within the "O" tags provide information such as the object's name, type, and any parameters that are associated with the object. The attributes vary depending on the type of object defined.
<O N="Object Example" T="Project">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 25.01.2023 -->
<P N="length" V="50" />
<P N="width" V="1" />
<P N="Depth" V="1" />
</O> | Debug Trace
In ParamML, objects are divided into two categories: Core Objects and User-Defined Objects. Core Objects are the basic building blocks that are useful to the user, and are predefined in the system. User-Defined Objects, on the other hand, are created by the user using the core objects, allowing them to create more complex and useful objects as needed.
The attributes included in the "O" statements provide additional information and description for the object. These attributes can include things such as the object's name, type, and any parameters that are associated with the object. The attributes may vary depending on the type of object defined.
Attributes of Objects
1 | Symbol | Label | Description | Mandatory | Default Unit | Example |
2 | T | Type | Specifies the type of the object | Yes | Category: Default Type: None | T="Project" |
3 | N | Name | Specifies the name of the object | No | Category: Default Type: None | N="Project 1" |
4 | Extends | Extends | Extends or inherits the definitions of a previously defined object | No | Category: Default Type: None | Extends="Surface 1" |
5 | X | X-axis translation | Translates or moves the object along the X-axis Default: X="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | X="1" X="h/2" |
6 | Y | Y-axis translation | Translates or moves the object along the Y-axis Default: Y="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | Y="2.5" Y="w/2" |
7 | Z | Z-axis translation | Translates or moves the object along the Z-axis Default: Z="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | Z="5.75" Z="t/2" |
8 | RX | X-axis rotation | Rotates the object about the X-axis Default: RX="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Angle | RX="3.1416" RX="PI" |
9 | RY | Y-axis rotation | Rotates the object about the Y-axis Default: RY="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Angle | RY="4" RY="2*PI" |
10 | RZ | Z-axis rotation | Rotates the object about the Z-axis Default: RZ="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Angle | RZ="10.25" RZ="3*PI/2" |
11 | AX | X-axis rotation | Specifies the location of the rotation origin in the X-axis Default: AX="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | AX="3" AX="w/3" |
12 | AY | Y-axis rotation | Specifies the location of the rotation origin in the Y-axis Default: AY="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | AY="5.5" AY="h/4" |
13 | AZ | Z-axis rotation | Specifies the location of the rotation origin in the Z-axis Default: AZ="0" Can be an integer or a float Can be an expression | No | Category: Coordinate Type: Length | AZ="10" AZ="2*t" |