Frame12 – No Tension and No Compression Frame Objects✔

Frame12 – No Tension and No Compression Frame Objects✔

Example Description

This example uses a one-bay, one-story braced frame resisting a horizontal load applied at the top of the frame to test this model tension and compression limits for frame objects. In this model both tension and compression limits can be specified for frame objects. If the tension limit for a frame object is specified as 0, then the frame object can resist no tension. Similarly, if the compression limit is specified as 0 then the frame object can resist no compression.
Important Note: Typically, the tension and compression limits only apply for nonlinear analyses.
Three models are created for the example. Model A has no tension or compression limits and is run as a static linear analysis. Model B allows no compression in the compression diagonal and model C allows no tension in the tension diagonal. Models B and C are run as static nonlinear analyses. The horizontal displacement at the top of the frame and the support reactions for each model are compared with independent hand calculated results.
Important Note: The beam and braces have pinned ends in the example.

Tested Features

  •  Tension and compression limits for frame objects
  •  End releases


Object Link: https://bim.aecbolt.com/objidn9tbcf4qmhc4uu5y1zvwo6.libobj

ModelOutput ParameterAEC|BOLT BIM Cloud App

Percent Difference

(SAP2000 vs Independent)

Percent Difference

(AEC|BOLT BIM Cloud App vs Independent)


Ux (jt 2) in0.106770.106770.106770%0%
Fx (jt 1) kip-44.224-44.224-44.2240%0%
Fz (jt 1) kip-100-100-1000%0%
Fx (jt 3) kip-55.776-55.776-55.7760%0%
Fz (jt 3) kip1001001000%0%


Ux (jt 2) in0.241420.241420.241420%0%
Fx (jt 1) kip-100.0916-100-1000%0.09%
Fz (jt 1) kip-99.9502-100-1000%0.05%
Fx (jt 3) kip0.09156000%0.09%
Fz (jt 3) kip99.95021001000%0.05%


Ux (jt 2) in0.191420.191420.191420%0%
Fx (jt 1) kip -0.1321000%0.13%
Fz (jt 1) kip-100.0810-100-1000%0.08%
Fx (jt 3) kip-99.9122-100-1000%0.09%
Fz (jt 3) kip100.06491001000%0.06%

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