S01: Creep Effects - Simple Span Concrete Beam

S01: Creep Effects - Simple Span Concrete Beam

This sample problem demonstrates how to model time-dependent creep effect for a simple span concrete beam.

The formwork supporting wet concrete is removed 10 days after pouring the concrete. On day 50, beam is subjected to additional superimposed load. The stage analysis can be summarized as:

Concrete Cast at Day = 0
Remove Forms at Day = 10
Add Superimposed Dead Load at Day = 50

The model has 11 joints and 10 beam elements. Compute maximum vertical deflection and compare the results to those by hand-calculations and by BD2 program.

Modulus of Elasticity = 661,305 lb/ft2
Span = 100 feet
A = 12.0 ft2
Izz = 36.0 ft4
Concrete fc28 = 6,500 psi
Relative Humidity = 70%
Temperature = 64 Fahrenheit

Time dependent stage analysis is performed using 11 construction stages and steps and maximum of 10 iterations will be performed in each construction step.