8-) Kazıklı Temel

8-) Kazıklı Temel

Yeterli taşıma kapasitesine sahip olmayan ve/veya potansiyel oturma problemine yol açarak üst yapı güvenliği ve fonksiyonuna zarar verecek zeminlerde, daha derinde yer alan sağlam zemine kazıklar aracılığıyla inilir ve yapı bu seviyeye oturtulur. Uygulamanın gerektiği köprü lokasyonuna göre kazıklı temeller kenarayak/köprü ayağı altına konumlanır ve böylece üstyapıdan kenarayak/köprü ayağı aracılığıyla akan düşey yük, kazıklı temel aracılığıyla sağlam zemine aktarılır.

Kullanıcı Parametreleri

Input Parameters
<O N="GeometricParameters" T="Project">
    <P N="FoundationMat" V="NULL" T="Material" D="Material" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" />
    <P N="Foundation" V="2" D="Ayak Seçimi [OrtaAyak=1/KenarAyak=2]" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" />
    <P N="diameter_p" V="1000" D="Kazık Çapı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="CM_KGF" />
    <P N="height_p" V="10000" D="Kazık Uzunluğu" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="M_KN" />
    <P N="embedment" V="650" D="Kazık Ankraj Uzunluğu" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="CM_KGF" />
    <P N="v_pile_count" V="4" D="Boyuna Kazık Sayısı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" />
    <P N="h_pile_count" V="6" D="Enine Kazık Sayısı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" />
    <P N="v_dist" V="4000" D="Boyuna Kazık Aralığı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="CM_KGF" />
    <P N="h_dist" V="3000" D="Enine Kazık Aralığı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="CM_KGF" />
    <P N="Space" V="500" D="Kazık ile Temel Arasındaki Mesafe" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="CM_KGF" />
    <P N="thickness" V="1000" D="Temel Kalınlığı" Role="Input" Category="Geometri" UT="Length" UC="M_KN" />
    <O N="AbutmentParameters" T="Group">
        <P N="SubStructure" V="KKK1" T="KBYS_KGM_Kenarayak" Role="Input" Category="Kenarayak Parametreleri" />
        <O T="ParamInfo" Min="1" Max="1" Required="0" Pick="1" Param="SubStructure" />
    <O N="ColumnParameters" T="Group">
        <O T="ParamInfo" Min="1" Max="1" Required="0" Pick="1" Param="Column" />
        <P N="Column" V="Column1" T="Kolon" Role="Input" Category="Kolon Parametreleri" />
<O N="FEM_Parameters" T="Group">
    <P N="meshSize" V="10000" Role="Input" Category="FEM" />
    <P N="runMesh" V="2" D="Sonlu Eleman Modeli[Olustur=1/Olusturma=2]" Role="Input" Category="FEM" />

Gerekli Parametreler

  • Material (FoundationMat) 

                 Kazıklı temelin sonlu elemanlar modellemesinde surface ve member elemanlarının material seçimidir.

  • Ayak seçimi (Foundation)

                  Sisitemde bulunan köprü ayaklarının seçimidir.

  • Kazık Çapı (diameter_p) (cm)

                   Temeldeki kazıkların çapıdır

  • Kazık Uzunluğu (height_p) (m)

                   Temeldeki kazıkların uzunluğudur.

  • Kazık ankraj uzunluğu (embedment) (cm)

                   Temel betonuna gömülme mesafesidir.

  • Boyuna kazık sayısı (v_pile_count)

                   Yol doğrultusundaki kazın sayısını belirtir.

  • Enine kazık sayısı (h_pile_count)

                   Yolun doğrultusuna dik yöndeki kazık sayısını belirtir.

  • Boyuna kazık aralığı (v_dist) (cm)

                   Yol doğrultusundaki kazıkların aralıklarını belirtir.

  • Enine kazık aralığı (h_dist) (cm)

                   Yol doğrultusuna dik yöndeki kazık aralığını belirtir.

  • Kazık ile temel arasındaki mesafe (Space) (cm)

                   Temel betonunun bittiği kesit ile en dıştaki kazıkların merkezleri kesen kesit arasındaki mesafeyi belirtir.

  • Temel kalınlığı (thickness) (m)

                   Temel betonunun kalınlığıdır.

  • AbutmentParameters

    • SubStructure

    • ParamInfo

  • ColumnParameters

    • ParamInfo

    • Column

3D Geometri

Kullanici Parametrelery
<O N="Geometry" T="Project">
    <O N="AbutmentPileFoundation" T="Group" Alignment="PFoundationRoute" AlignH="Warp" AlignV="Fixed" AlignT="Fixed">
        <!-- Kenarayagın altında olusacak olan Kazıklı Temel -->
        <P N="Guard" V="Foundation .EQ. 2" />
        <O N="AbutmentFoundation" T="Group">
            <P N="Abutment_po7" V="iif( Foundation .EQ. 2 ,SubStructure.Point7[1] , 0)" />
            <P N="FoundationTop_L" V="depth_abt/2" />
            <!-- Kenaryagın verev degeri -->
            <P N="alpha" V="-SubStructure.sRad" />
            <!-- Kenarayagın on duvarın orta noktası ile  yan duvarının bitis noktası arasındaki mesafe -->
            <P N="delta_Y" V="(FoundationTop_L-Abutment_po7)*tan(alpha)" />
        <O N="FoundationCoordinates" T="Group">
            <P N="depth_abt" V="2*Space+(h_pile_count-1)*(h_dist)" />
            <P N="width_abt" V="(2*Space+(v_pile_count-1)*(v_dist))/cos(alpha)" />
            <!-- Kenarayak refline'ı ile yanduvarın bittiği nokta arasındaki mesafe = back_dist -->
            <P N="back_dist" V="linel([SubStructure.Point26,SubStructure.Point7])" />
            <!-- kenaryak refline'ı ile temelin bittigi nokta arasındaki mesafe = front_dist -->
            <P N="front_dist" V="abs(width_abt-back_dist)" />
            <!-- +Zden bakıldıgında sol ust noktanın koordinatlari -->
            <P N="L_top_po" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,([SubStructure.Point7[0]+delta_Y,depth_abt/2]),([-(front_dist)-depth_abt/2*tan(alpha),depth_abt/2]))" />
            <P N="skew_L_top_p" V="[L_top_po[0],L_top_po[1]]" />
            <P N="L_bot_po" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,([SubStructure.Point9[0]-delta_Y,-depth_abt/2]),([-front_dist+depth_abt/2*tan(alpha),-depth_abt/2]))" />
            <P N="skew_L_bot_p" V="[L_bot_po[0],L_bot_po[1]]" />
            <P N="R_top_po" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,([front_dist,depth_abt/2]),([SubStructure.Point7[0]-delta_Y,depth_abt/2]))" />
            <P N="skew_R_top_p" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,[R_top_po[0]+R_top_po[1]*tan(alpha),R_top_po[1]],([R_top_po[0],R_top_po[1]]))" />
            <P N="R_bot_po" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,([front_dist,-depth_abt/2]),([SubStructure.Point9[0]+delta_Y,-depth_abt/2]))" />
            <P N="skew_R_bot_p" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,([R_bot_po[0]+R_bot_po[1]*tan(alpha),R_bot_po[1]]),([R_bot_po[0],R_bot_po[1]]))" />
        <O N="PileCoordinate" T="Group">
            <!-- Kenarayak Baslangici veya Kenarayak Son objelerine göre kazıkların yerleşimi -->
            <P N="Location1_X" V="online([skew_L_top_p,skew_R_top_p],Space)[0]" />
            <P N="Location2_X" V="online([skew_R_top_p,skew_L_top_p],Space*cos(alpha))[0]" />
            <P N="Localization_X" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,Location1_X,Location2_X)" />
            <P N="Location1_Y" V="online([skew_L_top_p,skew_L_bot_p],Space)[1]" />
            <P N="Location2_Y" V="online([skew_R_top_p,skew_R_bot_p],Space)[1]" />
            <P N="Localization_Y" V="iif(SubStructure.Direction.EQ.1,Location1_Y,Location2_Y)" />
            <P N="X_pile" V="CoordinateX+Localization_X" />
            <P N="Y_pile" V="CoordinateY+Localization_Y" />
            <P N="Z_pile" V="CoordinateZ-thickness" />
        <O N="ShallowFoundation" T="Volume" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ">
            <P N="Opacity" V="0.8" />
            <O T="Surface">
                <O T="Point" X="skew_L_top_p[0]" Y="skew_L_top_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_R_top_p[0]" Y="skew_R_top_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_R_bot_p[0]" Y="skew_R_bot_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_L_bot_p[0]" Y="skew_L_bot_p[1]" Z="0" />
            <O T="Surface" Z="-thickness">
                <O T="Point" X="skew_L_top_p[0]" Y="skew_L_top_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_R_top_p[0]" Y="skew_R_top_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_R_bot_p[0]" Y="skew_R_bot_p[1]" Z="0" />
                <O T="Point" X="skew_L_bot_p[0]" Y="skew_L_bot_p[1]" Z="0" />
        <O N="Loop_Long" T="Repeat" S="0" E="v_pile_count-1" I="1" CTRL="i" i="0">
            <O N="Loop_Transverse" T="Repeat" S="0" E="h_pile_count-1" I="1" CTRL="j" j="0">
                <P N="Ref_List" V="[X_pile+(SubStructure.Variable)*i*v_dist/cos(-SubStructure.sRad*(SubStructure.Variable))-j*h_dist*tan(-SubStructure.sRad*(SubStructure.Variable)),Y_pile-j*h_dist,Z_pile]" />
                <O N="pile" T="Volume" X="Ref_List[0]" Y="Ref_List[1]" Z="Ref_List[2]">
                    <O T="Circle" Z="0">
                        <P N="Radius" V="diameter_p/2" />
                    <O T="Circle" Z="-height_p">
                        <P N="Radius" V="diameter_p/2" />
                    <O N="Embedment" T="Circle" Z="embedment">
                        <P N="Opacity" V="0.4" />
                        <P N="Radius" V="diameter_p/2" />
                <O N="FiniteElement_Pile" T="Group">
                    <P N="Guard" V="runMesh.EQ.1" />
                    <P N="Number_A" V="floor(height_p/1000)" />
                    <O N="PileSpring" T="Repeat" S="1" E="Number_A-1" I="1" CTRL="w" w="1">
                        <O N="Behaviour" T="Group">
                            <P N="TxFixity" V="1" D="Tx Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                            <P N="TyFixity" V="1" D="Ty Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                            <P N="TzFixity" V="1" D="Tz Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                            <P N="RxFixity" V="1" D="Rx Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                            <P N="RyFixity" V="1" D="Ry Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                            <P N="RzFixity" V="1" D="Rz Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                        <O N="StepNodeDefinition" T="Group">
                            <O N="TopNode_KZ" T="Node" X="Ref_List[0]" Y="Ref_List[1]" Z="Ref_List[2]-1000*w">
                                <P N="Tx" V="100" />
                                <P N="Ty" V="100" />
                                <P N="Tz" V="100" />
                                <P N="Rx" V="100" />
                                <P N="Ry" V="100" />
                                <P N="Rz" V="100" />
                            <O N="Pile_Foundation" T="Group">
                                <P N="Guard" V="w .EQ. 1 " />
                                <O N="Top_Node" T="Node" X="Ref_List[0]" Y="Ref_List[1]" Z="Ref_List[2]" />
                                <O N="surface_node" T="Node" X="Ref_List[0]" Y="Ref_List[1]" Z="Ref_List[2]+thickness" />
                                <O N="line8" T="FELine">
                                    <P N="Node1" V="Top_Node" T="Node" />
                                    <P N="Node2" V="TopNode_KZ" T="Node" />
                                    <P N="Section" V="PileSection" T="Section" />
                            <O N="Rig_Link" T="FELine">
                                <P N="Node1" V="surface_node" T="Node" />
                                <P N="Node2" V="Top_Node" T="Node" />
                                <P N="Section" V="RigidSec" T="Section" />
                            <O N="BottomNode_KZ" T="Node" X="Ref_List[0]" Y="Ref_List[1]" Z="Ref_List[2]-1000*(w+1)">
                                <P N="Tx" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                                <P N="Ty" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                                <P N="Tz" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                                <P N="Rx" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                                <P N="Ry" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                                <P N="Rz" V="iif( w .LT. Number_A-1,100,-1)" />
                            <O N="line7" T="FELine">
                                <P N="Node1" V="TopNode_KZ" T="Node" />
                                <P N="Node2" V="BottomNode_KZ" T="Node" />
                                <P N="Section" V="PileSection" T="Section" />
                            <O N="PileSection" T="Section">
                                <P N="Material" V="FoundationMat" T="Material" />
                                <O T="Shape">
                                    <O T="Point" X="diameter_p/2" Y="diameter_p/2" />
                                    <O T="Point" X="-diameter_p/2" Y="diameter_p/2" />
                                    <O T="Point" X="-diameter_p/2" Y="-diameter_p/2" />
                                    <O T="Point" X="diameter_p/2" Y="-diameter_p/2" />
                                <P N="Ax" V="1000000" />
                                <P N="Ay" V="1000000" />
                                <P N="Az" V="1000000" />
                                <P N="Iy" V="83333333333.33333" />
                                <P N="Iz" V="83333333333.33318" />
                                <P N="Izy" V="-0.0000013709068298339844" />
                                <P N="Cz" V="4.656612873077392e-16" />
                                <P N="Cy" V="-4.656612873077393e-15" />
                            <O N="Section_Properties" T="Group">
                                <P N="Ax" V="sectionA(PileSection)" />
                                <P N="Ay" V="sectionAy(PileSection)" />
                                <P N="Az" V="sectionAz(PileSection)" />
                                <P N="J" V="sectionJ(PileSection)" />
                                <P N="Iy" V="sectionIy(PileSection)" />
                                <P N="Iz" V="sectionIz(PileSection)" />
    <O N="ColumnPileFoundation" T="Group">
        <P N="Guard" V="Foundation .EQ. 1" />
        <O N="PileFoundationCoordinates" T="Group">
            <P N="ColumnDepth" V="2*Space+(h_pile_count-1)*(h_dist)" />
            <P N="ColumnWidth" V="(2*Space+(v_pile_count-1)*(v_dist))" />
            <P N="beta" V="-Column.Support.sRad" />
            <!-- N=North  ,  S=South  ,  D=East  ,  W=West 
                +Z den bakıldıgı zaman noktaların yerleşimi -->
            <P N="N_E_point" V="[ColumnWidth/2,ColumnDepth/2]" />
            <P N="N_W_point" V="[-ColumnWidth/2,ColumnDepth/2]" />
            <P N="S_W_point" V="[-ColumnWidth/2,-ColumnDepth/2]" />
            <P N="S_E_point" V="[ColumnWidth/2,-ColumnDepth/2]" />
        <O N="Pile_Koordinatlari" T="Group">
            <P N="LocationX" V="online([N_W_point,N_E_point],Space)[0]" />
            <P N="LocationY" V="online([N_W_point,S_W_point],Space)[1]" />
            <P N="PileX" V="CoordinateX+LocationX" />
            <P N="PileY" V="CoordinateY+LocationY" />
            <P N="PileZ" V="CoordinateZ-thickness" />
            <P N="rotate" V="alignHA(PFoundationRoute, CoordinateX, CoordinateY)" />
            <P N="Angle" V="alignHA(PFoundationRoute, PileX, PileY)" />
        <O N="GeneralObject" T="Group" RZ="beta" AX="CoordinateX" AY="CoordinateY" Alignment="PFoundationRoute" AlignH="Warp" AlignV="Fixed" AlignT="Fixed">
            <O N="foundation" T="Volume" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ">
                <O T="Surface" Z="0">
                    <O T="Point" X="N_E_point[0]" Y="N_E_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="N_W_point[0]" Y="N_W_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="S_W_point[0]" Y="S_W_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="S_E_point[0]" Y="S_E_point[1]" />
                <O T="Surface" Z="-thickness">
                    <O T="Point" X="N_E_point[0]" Y="N_E_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="N_W_point[0]" Y="N_W_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="S_W_point[0]" Y="S_W_point[1]" />
                    <O T="Point" X="S_E_point[0]" Y="S_E_point[1]" />
            <O N="PileRotate" T="Group">
                <O N="Foundation_Long_Loop" T="Repeat" S="0" E="v_pile_count-1" I="1" CTRL="i" i="0">
                    <O N="Foundation_Transverse_Loop" T="Repeat" S="0" E="h_pile_count-1" I="1" CTRL="j" j="0">
                        <P N="PileList" V="[PileX+i*v_dist,PileY-j*h_dist,PileZ]" />
                        <O T="Volume" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]" AlignX="PileX" AlignY="PileY">
                            <O T="Circle" Z="0">
                                <P N="Radius" V="diameter_p/2" />
                            <O T="Circle" Z="-height_p">
                                <P N="Radius" V="diameter_p/2" />
                        <O N="FiniteElement_Pile" T="Group">
                            <P N="Guard" V="runMesh.EQ.1" />
                            <O N="NodeDefinition" T="Group">
                                <O N="Node_3" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]" />
                                <O N="Node_4" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]-height_p" />
                                <P N="Number_K" V="floor(height_p/1000)" />
                            <O N="PileSpring" T="Repeat" S="0" E="Number_K-1" I="1" CTRL="w" w="0">
                                <O N="Behaviour" T="Group">
                                    <P N="TxFixity" V="1" D="Tx Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                    <P N="TyFixity" V="1" D="Ty Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                    <P N="TzFixity" V="1" D="Tz Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                    <P N="RxFixity" V="0" D="Rx Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                    <P N="RyFixity" V="0" D="Ry Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                    <P N="RzFixity" V="0" D="Rz Fixity [Fixed=1/Free=0]" Role="Input" Category="Fixity" />
                                <O N="StepNodeDefinition" T="Group">
                                    <O N="Pile_Foundation" T="Group">
                                        <P N="Guard" V="w .EQ. 0" />
                                        <O N="Peak" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]" />
                                        <O N="Up_foundation_N" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]+thickness/2" />
                                        <O N="L1" T="FELine" Type="@Beam" Node1="@Peak|Node" Node2="@Up_foundation_N|Node" BetaAngle="0" Section="@PileSection|Section" />
                                    <O N="TopNode_KZ" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]-1000*w">
                                        <P N="Tx" V="100" />
                                        <P N="Ty" V="100" />
                                        <P N="Tz" V="100" />
                                        <P N="Rx" V="100" />
                                        <P N="Ry" V="100" />
                                        <P N="Rz" V="100" />
                                    <O N="BottomNode_KZ" T="Node" X="PileList[0]" Y="PileList[1]" Z="PileList[2]-1000*(w+1)">
                                        <P N="Tx" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                        <P N="Ty" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                        <P N="Tz" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                        <P N="Rx" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                        <P N="Ry" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                        <P N="Rz" V="iif( w .LT. Number_K-1,100,-1)" />
                                    <O N="line7" T="FELine">
                                        <P N="Node1" V="TopNode_KZ" T="Node" />
                                        <P N="Node2" V="BottomNode_KZ" T="Node" />
                                        <P N="Section" V="PileSection" T="Section" />
                                    <O N="PileSection" T="Section">
                                        <P N="Material" V="FoundationMat" T="Material" />
                                        <O T="Shape">
                                            <O T="Point" X="diameter_p/2" Y="diameter_p/2" />
                                            <O T="Point" X="-diameter_p/2" Y="diameter_p/2" />
                                            <O T="Point" X="-diameter_p/2" Y="-diameter_p/2" />
                                            <O T="Point" X="diameter_p/2" Y="-diameter_p/2" />
                                    <O N="Section_Properties" T="Group">
                                        <P N="Ax" V="sectionA(PileSection)" />
                                        <P N="Ay" V="sectionAy(PileSection)" />
                                        <P N="Az" V="sectionAz(PileSection)" />
                                        <P N="J" V="sectionJ(PileSection)" />
                                        <P N="Iy" V="sectionIy(PileSection)" />
                                        <P N="Iz" V="sectionIz(PileSection)" />
                                    <O N="Rig_Line" T="FELine">
                                        <P N="Node1" V="Up_foundation_N" T="Node" />
                                        <P N="Node2" V="Peak" T="Node" />
                                        <P N="Section" V="RigidSec" T="Section" />
    <O T="Export">
        <O N="GeneralParameters" T="Group">
            <!-- Kenarayaktan gelen referans koordinatlar -->
            <P N="ReferenceCoordinates" V="onliner([SubStructure.StartRefline,SubStructure.EndRefline],0.5)" />
            <!-- Kolondan gelen referans koordinatlar -->
            <P N="Bgn_Location" V="onliner([Column.FoundationRefST,Column.FoundationRefEND],0.5)" />
            <!-- Kolon veya kenarayak secili olmasına gore listelerin tek liste haline getirilmesi -->
            <P N="Ref_List" V="iif( Foundation .EQ. 1 , Bgn_Location , ReferenceCoordinates) " />
            <P N="CoordinateX" V="Ref_List[0]" />
            <P N="CoordinateY" V="Ref_List[1]" />
            <P N="CoordinateZ" V="iif( Foundation .EQ. 1 , Column.LocZ , SubStructure.LocZ) " />
            <P N="PFoundationRoute" V="iif( Foundation .EQ. 1, Column.Support.Alignment_.YolAliynmani,SubStructure.Alignment_.YolAliynmani) " />

Finite Element Model DOC-60 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Kullanici Parametreleri
<O N="Finite_Element" T="Project">
    <O N="RigidLinkDefinition" T="Group">
        <O N="RigidSec" T="Section">
            <P N="Material" V="RigMat" T="Material" />
            <P N="Ay" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="Ax" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="Az" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="J" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="Iy" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="Iz" V="1e+10" />
            <P N="Izy" V="1e+10" />
        <O N="RigMat" T="Material">
            <P N="E" V="44000" D="Beton 28 Günlük Elastisite Modülü" UT="Stress" UC="Internal" />
            <P N="G" V="17600" D="Beton 28 Günlük Kayma Modülü" UT="Stress" UC="Internal" />
            <P N="d" V="0" D="Beton Birim Hacim Ağırlığı" UT="Density" UC="Internal" />
            <P N="a" V="0.00001" D="Beton Isıl Genleşme Katsayısı" />
            <P N="Nu" V="0.2" D="Beton Poisson Oranı" />
            <P N="Type" V="Concrete" T="Text" />
            <P N="Fc28" V="80" D="28 Günlük Beton Dayanımı (Silindir)" UT="Stress" UC="Internal" />
            <P N="Fc28_cube" V="95" D="28 Günlük Beton Dayanımı (Küp)" UT="Stress" UC="Internal" />
    <O N="Meshhhh" T="Group" Alignment="PFoundationRoute" AlignH="Warp" AlignV="Fixed" AlignT="Fixed">
        <P N="Guard" V="runMesh.EQ.1" />
        <O N="Pier" T="Group">
            <P N="Guard" V=" Foundation .EQ. 1 " />
            <O N="Rigid_Link" T="Group">
                <P N="Guard" V="Foundation .EQ. 1" />
                <O N="FoundationTopNode" T="Node" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ" />
                <O N="FoundationCogNode" T="Node" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ-thickness/2" />
                <O N="Rig_Line" T="FELine">
                    <P N="Node1" V="FoundationTopNode" T="Node" />
                    <P N="Node2" V="FoundationCogNode" T="Node" />
                    <P N="Section" V="RigidSec" T="Section" />
            <O N="Points_Surface" T="DesignGroup">
                <P N="TopLeftPoint" V="N_W_point" />
                <P N="TopRightPoint" V="N_E_point" />
                <P N="BottomRightPoint" V="S_E_point" />
                <P N="BottomLeftPoint" V="S_W_point" />
                <P N="angle" V="beta" />
                <P N="FirstList" V="map( Foundation_Long_Loop , x.PileList)" />
                <P N="SecondList" V="map( Foundation_Transverse_Loop , x.PileList)" />
                <P N="PrincipalList" V="concat(FirstList,SecondList,[Ref_List])" />
                <P N="Number" V="floor(height_p/1000)" />
                <P N="mTol" V="1" />
            <O N="FoundationMesh" T="FEMesh" CX="meshSize" CY="meshSize">
                <P N="Material" V="FoundationMat" T="Material" />
                <P N="ConstraintPts" V="PrincipalList" />
                <O T="Surface" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ-thickness/2" Thickness="thickness">
                    <O T="Point" X="TopLeftPoint[0]-mTol" Y="TopLeftPoint[1]+mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="TopRightPoint[0]+mTol" Y="TopRightPoint[1]+mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="BottomRightPoint[0]+mTol" Y="BottomRightPoint[1]-mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="BottomLeftPoint[0]-mTol" Y="BottomLeftPoint[1]-mTol" />
        <O N="Abutment" T="Group">
            <P N="Guard" V=" Foundation .EQ. 2" />
            <O N="Points_Surface" T="DesignGroup">
                <P N="TopLeftPoint" V="skew_L_top_p" />
                <P N="TopRightPoint" V="skew_R_top_p" />
                <P N="BottomRightPoint" V="skew_R_bot_p" />
                <P N="BottomLeftPoint" V="skew_L_bot_p" />
                <P N="FirstList" V="map( Loop_Long, x.Ref_List)" />
                <P N="SecondList" V="map( Loop_Transverse, x.Ref_List)" />
                <P N="PrincipalList" V="concat(FirstList,SecondList,[Ref_List])" />
                <P N="Number" V="floor(height_p/1000)" />
                <P N="mTol" V="1" />
            <O N="FoundationMesh" T="FEMesh" CX="meshSize" CY="meshSize">
                <P N="Material" V="FoundationMat" T="Material" />
                <P N="ConstraintPts" V="PrincipalList" />
                <O T="Surface" X="CoordinateX" Y="CoordinateY" Z="CoordinateZ" Thickness="thickness" Node1LocalOffZ="thickness/2" Node2LocalOffZ="thickness/2" Node3LocalOffZ="thickness/2" Node4LocalOffZ="thickness/2">
                    <O T="Point" X="TopLeftPoint[0]-mTol" Y="TopLeftPoint[1]+mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="TopRightPoint[0]+mTol" Y="TopRightPoint[1]+mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="BottomRightPoint[0]+mTol" Y="BottomRightPoint[1]-mTol" />
                    <O T="Point" X="BottomLeftPoint[0]-mTol" Y="BottomLeftPoint[1]-mTol" />

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