Foundation Example 4 : Isolated Rectangle Footing
Design and detail a rectangle spread footing founded on stiff soil, supporting an 18 in. square column. The bottom of the footing is 3 ft below the finished grade (refer to Fig. E4.1).
Given :
Column load
Service dead load D = 200 kips
Service live load L = 100 kips
Factored wind W= ±175 kips
(Axial column force due to the building frame resisting the wind load)
Material Properties
Concrete compressive strength fc' = 4 ksi
Steel yield strength fy = 60 ksi
Normalweight concrete λ = 1
Density of concrete = 150 lb/ft^3
Density of soil = 120 lb/ft^3
Allowable soil bearing pressures
D only : qall,D = 4000 psf
D+L : qall, D+L = 5800 psf
D+L+W : qall,Lat = 8000 psf
Footing dimensions :
Long direction= 10 ft
Short direction= 5.5 ft
Thickness = 28 in.
| AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite D / C ratio | Reference Value D / C ratio | Difference % |
Soil capacity | 0.9228 | 0.92045 | 0.25% |
One way shear capacity (Short direction) | 0.0146 | - | - |
One way shear capacity (Long direction) | 0.7414 | 0.7432 | 0.24% |
Flexural capacity ( Long direction) | 1.0781 | 1.1178 | 3.54% |
Flexural capacity ( Short direction) | 0.2979 | 0.3006 | 0.91% |
Bearing capacity | 0.3596 | 0.3596 | 4.3% |
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