Internal Diaphragm [CUG]

Internal Diaphragm [CUG]

Internal Diaphragm

Girder: Choose the girder on which the intermediate diaphragm is constructed.

Reference Location [Start/End/Middle]: The location of internal diaphragms can be described using the Start, Middle, or End options, or modified (offset) versions of these options. The reference location can be specified using this parameter.

Offset from Reference Location: Since the reference location can be defined as Start, End, or Middle, a different location definition may be needed for the internal diaphragms. This can be specified using this parameter. A positive offset value will move the diaphragm in the upstation direction, while a negative offset value will move the diaphragm in the downstation direction.

Thickness: The thickness of the diaphragm in the longitudinal direction can be defined using this parameter. The stiffness of the created finite elements is not affected by this input. During the construction of diaphragms, the user can choose whether to include the diaphragm weight as a load or to ignore the diaphragm load effects in the model.

Start Skew: The start skew can be specified using this parameter and will alter the 3D volume of the object, but will not affect its longitudinal station.

End Skew: The end skew value can be specified using this parameter and will alter the 3D volume of the object, but will not affect its longitudinal station.

Material: The material of the diaphragm can be specified using this parameter. A previously defined material from the Properties > Materials section can be assigned, or a material can be imported.

Station on PGL (readonly): The station of the diaphragm with respect to the PGL, calculated based on the definitions of the Reference Location and Offset from Reference Location parameters, is displayed to the user in this column.

Internal Diaphragm Input Parameters


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