Wind forces and wind base shear is calculated by AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite in this section.
To be able to run the calculation, user must import “GustEffectFactorCalculator“ template and “MWFRS_2ndMethod“ template from Design Templates as described in the section.
Imported templates must be setted to Wind Design Code and Wind Design Calculation (Gust effect calculation) properties in Design Criteria section.
Template name must be updated after its change.
After the necessary templates are setted user must edit “Wind Parameters” spreadsheet as demonstrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1
→ Enter basic wind speed value
→ Enter wind importance factor
→ Enter topographical factor Kzt
→ Enter directionality factor Kd
→ Edit gust effect factor
There are 2 way to edit gust effect factor. User can enter the gust effect factor manually or if “GustEffectFactorCalculator” template is set AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite calculates the gust effect factor.
Steps of calculating the gust effect factor;
Set ground story
Enter damping ratio
Click 'Calculate Gust Factor' as shown in Figure 2
Figure 2
→ Select exposure category
→ Enter natural frequency of the building
→ Click ‘Show' button to see detailed report about wind forces
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