Slab Edge
→ Click Slab Edge button as shown in the ”Slab Edge” button (Figure 1) to draw slab.
Figure 2
Slab Piece
→ Click Slab Piece button as shown in the “Slab Piece” button (Figure 1) to draw areas which have having different properties in the slab edge.
Figure 3
Figure 5
When initially drawn, all properties of the slab edge and slab piece are set to zero when they first drawn. User must edit all the . The user should edit these properties from the slab spreadsheet, as shown in Figure 5.
Material must be selected for all slab objects because it is a necessary information for analysis. User can select material from the slab spreadsheet as shown above. Clear cover of top slab reinforcement edits and clear cover of bottom slab reinforcement edits are made from slab spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 5.
Also 4.
Additionally, the user can select a default slab material from 1st floor section or general Stories section the section mentioned in Stories, as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
Design Strip
→ Click Design Strip to draw the directions of the design strips for slab design.
→ Draw direction 1 and then direction 2 which is . (Direction 2 as perpendicular to direction 1 will automatically be drawn).
User can Users have the option to set the same design strip for all stories, as shown depicted in Figure 8.
Figure 9 showcases an example where the design strip directions are shown on the drawing. The design strip lines are typically displayed with distinct colors or linetypes to differentiate them from other drawing elements.
The definition of design strips is indeed a prerequisite for conducting slab/beam analysis.