Follow the next steps to create steel I girder code check (AASHTO).
1 | Go to Superstructure Code Checks/Steel I Girder Code Check (AASHTO). | |
2 | Under General column, select Girder as G4 (exterior girder). | |
3 | Specify Station as 260 ft. (around 2nd span mid). | |
4 | Name the row G4Span. | |
5 | Enter Panel Type as InteriorPanel (Panel Type serves for web panel classification). | |
6 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrCCT. | |
7 | Go to 2nd row (It’s for constructability checks for girder G1 at station 240 ft). | |
8 | Name the 2nd row G1SpanConst. | |
9 | Select Girder column G1. | |
10 | Enter Station as 240 ft. | |
11 | Enter Panel Type as InteriorPanel. | |
12 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrConstCCT. | |
13 | Go to 3rd row (It’s for serviceability (Strength, Service and Fatigue) checks for girder G2 at station 160 ft (at pier)). | |
14 | Name the 3rd row G2Support. | |
15 | Select Girder column G2. | |
16 | Enter Station as 160 ft. | |
17 | Enter Panel Type as EndPanel. | |
18 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrCCT. | |
19 | Go to Deck Reinforcement tab to select Data Preference. |
Steel I girder code check (AASHTO) is completed.
Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.
1 | Go to Steel I Girder Code Check (AASHTO) under Superstructure Code Checks on the tree view. |
2 | Copy General and Deck Reinforcement from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Steel I Girder Code Check (AASHTO) | |
General G4Span G4 260.0000 SuperstrCCT Interior Panel User Input 7.5639 G1SpanConst G1 240.0000 SuperstrConstCCT Interior Panel User Input 7.5639 G2Support G2 160.0000 SuperstrCCT End Panel User Input 7.5639 | Deck Reinforcement G4Span Use Deck Rebar N/A N/A N/A N/A G1SpanConst Use Deck Rebar N/A N/A N/A N/A G2Support Use Deck Rebar N/A N/A N/A N/A |
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