Shell19 – Large Bending Displacements X
Example Description
This example uses a fixed base cantilever column to test static nonlinear analysis with large bending displacements in this model. A concentrated moment, M, is applied at the top of the column equally split between the two top joints. The moment M is increased until the rotation at the top of the column is equal to π radians (180 degrees). The resulting vertical and horizontal displacements of the top of the column and the moment required to create the desired deflected shape are compared with independent hand calculated results.
Three different models, labeled A, B and C, are run for this example. The models are identical, except for the meshing of the column, which is 1x4 (width by height), 1x16 and 1x64 for Models A, B and C, respectively. To test this model automatic area meshing feature, all of the models are created with a single area object and automatic internal meshing is assigned to the area object.
After running the analysis, use the Display menu > Show Deformed Shape command to display the deflected shape. To get the deflected shape to display properly, uncheck the cubic curve option, select the Scale Factor option in the Scaling area of the form, and set the Scale Factor to 1.
Tested Features
- Static nonlinear analysis of shell structure with large bending displacements using this model P-Delta plus large displacements option
- Automatic area meshing