Figure 1
Beam Section has 2 spreadsheets as hown in Figure 1.
Click “Draw Beam” button to start drawing beam object. Drawings drawn by this command will be reflected in 3D view.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
All the properties are 0 or null when the beam is first drawn.Material property must be selected and depth value must be entered from spreadsheet as shown in Figure 4. If the top elevation of beam and the top elevation of slab are not the same, user must enter elevation offset value.
Select “Analytical Lines” from spreadsheet data as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 5
Click “Draw Analytical Beam” as shown in Figure 5 to draw analytical lines linked to beam object.
Figure 6
Analytical wall drawings will be automatically overlayed when analytical beam command is active in order to show the end nodes of analytical wall.
Yellow points show the end nodes of analytical beam line and pink points show the end nodes of analytical wall in Figure 6.
Figure 7
User must enter the width value of analytical beam line from spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 7. Depth value is the same with beam depth value but can be edited later.
User can divide the analytical line into parts and give them different properties such as thickness.
Figure 8
Click “No Break Pts” and click the point where the line will be divided as illustrated in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
Figure 9
If the analytical line does not pass through the center line of beam, reffline offset must be entred in order to create correct analytical beam as illustrated in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Vertical offset ve FE görüntüler eklenecek.