Sample C1 column design line spreadsheets will be introduced in this section.
Düşey olarak çakışan kolonların aynı isimle anıldığı ve tasarımının yapıldığı kısımdır.
Figure 1
Tributary analysis results of C1 column design line are available in tributary forces spreadsheet.
Click “Spreadsheet Data” then click “Tributary Forces” as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2
Tributary analysis results are reported per load class and load combination.
Load Take Down Calculations
Figure 2
Figure 3
Slab dead load at each floor is calculated by simply multiplying the thickness of the slab and tributary area of the slab and unit weight of slab material.
→ (8/12)*56.25*150/1000=5.625 kips
Column dead load at each floor is also calculated by simply multiplying the section area of column and height of the column and unit weight column material.
→ (24*14/144)*10*150=3.5 kips
Self weight is the cumulative sum of slab dead load and column dead load.
→ 5.625+3.5 =9.125 kips
→ 9.125+(5.526+3.5)= 18.25 kips
→ 18.25 + (5.526+3.5)= 27.37 kips
→ 27.37 + (5.526+3.5)= 36.5 kips
Superimposed Dead Load is grouped as “SDL” in Load Classes section. So all the load cases which are classified as “Superimposed Dead Load” within the boundaries of tributary area of C1 will be included to calculation. Notice that results are reported cumulatively.
Figure 4
There is only Facade load case exists which is classified as Sumperimposed Dead Load in Roof plan.
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