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After clicking on 'Properties>Sections' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Sections. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.


Sections [SIG]
Sections can be imported from a database and manipulated if needed, or the user can create a section by defining its shape and material and the following properties will be calculated by OpenBrIM.


The following properties will be used to compute the stiffness of the beams or trusses in the finite element analysis model:

Material: The material assigned to the section will be used to compute values such as the EI, GI, and EA for beam elements in the finite element analysis model.

Area: The gross cross-sectional area of the section is used for axial stiffness, and it is the only property needed for truss and cable elements since they have only axial stiffness. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the area.

Shear Area Y: The shear areas Ay correspond to transverse shear in the xy planes with corresponding transverse shear stiffness as Ay*G. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the shear area.

Shear Area Z: The shear areas Az correspond to transverse shear in the xz planes with corresponding transverse shear stiffness as Az*G. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the shear area.

Torsion Constant: The torsional constant refers to the area moment about the member x-axis, and it is used to determine the torsional stiffness of the member. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the torsion constant.

Inertia Y: The area moments of inertia Iyy about the member local y are used for the bending stiffness of beam elements. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the inertia.

Inertia Z: The area moments of inertia Izz about the member local z are used for the bending stiffness of beam elements. Rebars and tendons do not affect the computation of the inertia.

Inertia ZY: The product of inertia (POI) describes an object's imbalance relative to a defined set of coordinate axes, but the current finite element formulation of feline in OpenBrIM does not consider Iyz (POI). When POI is not equal to 0 and the user rotates the section using the beta angle or the section editor, it can result in two different finite element analysis results. To ensure better representation of analytical problems, it is recommended to keep the value of Izy close to zero with the current feline formulation.

Compute Properties From Shape?[Yes/No]: When a section has geometry, selecting "Compute Properties from Shape Parameters" as "Yes" will automatically calculate the sectional properties. The properties shown in unlocked view will not be used. Users can view the computed parameters by using the lock icon. The inputs entered by the user for the area, shear area, inertia, torsional constant etc will only be used if "Compute Properties from Shape Parameters" is set to "No". Lastly, if the section does not have any geometry, the entered parameters will be used for the analysis, regardless of the "Compute Properties from Shape Parameters" setting. To summarize, in order to view the sectional properties that are used in the finite element analysis, users should use the lock icon. The sectional properties displayed with the lock icon will represent the properties used in the analysis.

Has Geometry? (readonly): If a section has shapes defined in the section editor, the "Has Geometry" property will be set to "Yes". Users can confirm this by accessing the three-dot menu and checking the shape from the section editor.

Assigned? (readonly):When a section is assigned to finite elements, the "Assigned" property will be marked as "Yes", although there may be cases where the section is also assigned to library components and indirectly used in the design and FEA process.

Is Composite? (readonly): A section will be defined as composite if the section is produced by a combination of two or more shapes and has the different materials assigned.

FAQ: Rigid Material and Section Definition

More Properties

Gross Area: The gross area of a section refers to the total cross-sectional area bounded by its outermost layers, including any voids or cavities within those boundaries. It is calculated without considering any deductions for holes, openings, or other internal features.

Radius of Gyration Y: The radius of gyration is a property in structural engineering that describes the distribution of cross-sectional area around a section's centroidal axis relative to its mass, and it is calculated using the section's area and moment of inertia. Although it does not affect analysis, OpenBrIM may use it for code check purposes in certain cases.

Radius of Gyration Z: The radius of gyration is a property in structural engineering that describes the distribution of cross-sectional area around a section's centroidal axis relative to its mass, and it is calculated using the section's area and moment of inertia. Although it does not affect analysis, OpenBrIM may use it for code check purposes in certain cases.

Centroid Location Y: Centroid of section. When defining sections in the Section Editor, the COG of the section may not align with the member reference x-axis, resulting in a centroid offset. To calculate the member offsets in such cases, a logic that includes both the centroid offset and the member end offset is used. A non-zero value for the centroid offset changes the member end offset values used in the feline stiffness matrix computation, thus affecting the FEA.

Centroid Location Z: Centroid of section. When defining sections in the Section Editor, the COG of the section may not align with the member reference x-axis, resulting in a centroid offset. To calculate the member offsets in such cases, a logic that includes both the centroid offset and the member end offset is used. A non-zero value for the centroid offset changes the member end offset values used in the feline stiffness matrix computation, thus affecting the FEA.

Shear Center Y: The shear center is used in certain design calculations, but it does not affect the results of the finite element analysis.

Shear Center Z: The shear center is used in certain design calculations, but it does not affect the results of the finite element analysis.

Perimeter: The perimeter of a section is utilized in some design calculations, but it typically does not impact the results of the finite element analysis. However, in cases where time-dependent staged construction analysis is employed with the CEB-FIP code, the perimeter may affect the coefficient computations per the CEB-FIP 1990 standard.

Warping Constant: The warping constant is used for design purposes and does not affect the finite element analysis results.

Non-prismatic Variation Direction[X/Y/Z/None]: The user only needs to input this value if they want to define nonprismatic variation. If the user intends to define nonprismatic variation, this input is optional. The nonprismatic variation direction X should be used for sections assigned to elements following the alignment in the longitudinal direction, such as girders. The Y direction should be used for sections assigned to elements in the transverse direction, such as pier caps, and the Z direction should be used for elements in the vertical direction, such as pier columns.


The Extent Tab’s parameters can be used to further define the section geometry.

Pos. of Neg. Edge Y: For a visual representation of Pos. of Neg. Edge Y , refer to the figure below.

Pos. of Pos. Edge Y: For a visual representation of Pos. of Pos. Edge Y , refer to the figure below.

Pos. of Neg. Edge Z: For a visual representation of Pos. of Neg. Edge Z , refer to the figure below.

Pos. of Pos. Edge Z: For a visual representation of Pos. of Pos. Edge Z , refer to the figure below.

Flexure Capacity of a Section

For the defined sections, it is possible to have flexure capacity calculated and observe the section's behavior accordingly. To achieve this, several steps must be followed.


The same approach can be used to generate the Moment-Curvature Curve of a section and the Interaction Diagram of a section.


Go to Properties > Sections


image-20240928-131936.png Click the three-dots on the first cell of the Name and click Import Section


image-20240928-131940.png Select OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Basic Sections > Basic Shapes > Rectangle


image-20240928-131943.png Enter both Witdh and Depth as 96 in


image-20240928-131945.png Click Import


image-20240928-131947.png Rename this section as PierCapRec_Mid


image-20240928-131950.png Assign Material as Fc_4ksi


image-20240928-131952.png Repeat the same steps from 2 to 7 for the second rectangular section

image-20240928-132008.png Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 96

  • Depth: 48

image-20240928-131957.png Rename this section as PierCapRec_Taper

image-20240928-131958.png Assign Material as Fc_4ksi


image-20240928-132003.png Repeat the same steps from 2 to 7 for the third rectangular section

image-20240928-132005.png Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 80

  • Depth: 80

image-20240928-132012.png Rename this section as PierColumnRec

image-20240928-132014.png Assign Material as: Fc_4ksi


image-20240928-132018.png Repeat the same steps from 2 to 7 to import a circular section

image-20240928-132019.png Enter radius: 21

image-20240928-132021.png Rename This section as PierColumnCircle

image-20240928-132022.png Assign Material as Fc_4ksi


image-20240928-132026.png Repeat the same steps from 2 to 7 to import the second circular section

image-20240928-132029.png Enter radius: 20

image-20240928-132030.png Rename This section as PileCircle

image-20240928-132031.png Assign Material as Fc_4ksi


image-20240928-132034.png Import another section by selecting OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AISC Steel Shape Database > L Type > AISCL8X8X3/4

image-20240928-132034.png Assign Material as A709_50


image-20240928-133221.png Copy and paste the data below.

RigidSection	RigidMaterial	6400.0000	6400.0000	6400.0000	3413333.3333	3413333.3333	3413333.3333	0.0000	YES	NO



image-20240928-133221.png Import the last section from OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Barrier Sections > F Shape Barrier> F Shape

image-20240928-133221.png Assign Material as FcCube_NoStiffness


Completed Sections definitions are illustrated below.


Parameters >


For any section, it is possible to add or change parameters that are used in geometry definitions. Click on three-dots icon to open Parameters tab.


In this menu, you can change the value of the parameter or add a new one to be used in the Section Editor.


These parameters can be utilized in the Section Editor → Points Spreadsheet, which is explained in the subsequent sections.

Properties >

Follow the next steps to set rebar detailing for PierCapRec_Mid.


image-20240928-132034.png From any column of the PierCapRec_Mid row, click on three-dots icon to open Section Editor panel.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 14

  • # of Rows: 1

image-20240928-132034.png Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab select:

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 6 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-45.0000	45.0000
45.0000	45.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 9

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab select:

Profile: ASTMA615No8

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 14 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-41.7500	-41.7500
41.7500	-41.7500


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.

Follow the next steps to set rebar detailing for PierCapRec_Taper.


image-20240928-132034.png From any column of the PierCapRec_Taper row, click on three-dots icon to open Section Editor panel


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the top left side of the window


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar


image-20240928-132034.png Enter the following data and click Add

  • # of Rebars per Row: 2

  • # of Rows: 1


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png Select the following data and click Apply

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60


image-20240928-132034.png Click three-dots icon on the top right edge of rebars


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 7 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy and paste the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-41.6220	20.0000
-39.3720	20.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Repeat Steps 2-7 by using data below.


0.0000	0.0000
-25.8680	20.0000
-28.1240	20.0000


0.0000	0.0000
-12.3700	20.0000
-14.6260	20.0000


0.0000	0.0000
-1.1280	20.0000
1.1280	20.0000


0.0000	0.0000
12.3700	20.0000
14.6260	20.0000


0.0000	0.0000
25.8680	20.0000
28.1240	20.0000


0.0000	0.0000
41.6220	20.0000
39.3720	20.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 9

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab select:

Profile: ASTMA615No8

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 15 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-41.7500	-20.0000
41.7500	-20.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.

Follow the next steps to set rebar detailing for PierColumnRec.


image-20240928-132034.png From any column of the PierColumnRec row, click on three-dots icon to open Section Editor panel.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 10

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab Select:

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 6 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-35.0000	35.0000
35.0000	35.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 10

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab Select:

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 14 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-35.0000	-35.0000
35.0000	-35.0000


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 7

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab Select:

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 22 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
-35.0000	27.3780
-35.0000	-27.3780


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.


image-20240928-132034.png Click + icon at the left top side of the screen.


image-20240928-132034.png Select Rebar.


  • # of Rebars per Row: 7

  • # of Rows: 1

Click Add.


image-20240928-132034.png Click two different points within the shape.


image-20240928-132034.png From the opening tab Select:

Profile: ASTMA615No9

Material: A615_60

Click Apply.


image-20240928-132034.png Click icon shown on top right edge of rebars.


image-20240928-132034.png Click Unlock Movement. Then repeat step 30 and click Points Spreadsheet.


image-20240928-132034.png Copy the data below.

0.0000	0.0000
35.0000	27.3780
35.0000	-27.3780


image-20240928-132034.png Paste copied data.

 Section Editor

Follow the next steps to create different section definitions that OpenBrIM provides.


Enter a Section under Name.


Import a material.


From any column of the added row, click on three-dots icon  to open Section Editor panel.


You can open the tab which includes Polygon, Template, Rebar and Tendon by clicking Shapes icon at the left top side of the screen.


To define a polygon shape, click to Polygon at Shapes tab, then click the coordinates of an arbitrary shape.

 Quick Tip

You can rechange the locations by clicking ‘Points Spreadsheet’ after you assign the shape.


To utilize a Template click Template.


If you don’t have a material already imported (or defined as custom), you can import by clicking Import. If you have, just select it from the Material drop-down.


Edit dimensions of the shape to create the section. Click to Import.


After you import the section, it will show up on the section editor.


To add rebars to your section click Rebar  at the Shapes tab.


If you don’t have a Rebar definition in your project, you will get a popup to import one. Just click OK and continue.


Select your asset from OpenBrIM Database for rebar profile and click Import.


By clicking Line Layout, you can switch the layout of the rebar as Line, or Circular.


Let’s stay on Line Layout, and enter rebar layout input data.


After you click Add, you should click the start and end location points of the section. No need to be exact in locations, they can be edited later.


After clicking end location, Edit Linear Rebar Layout window appears.


Edit Linear Rebar Layout.


If you don’t have a rebar material already imported (or defined as custom), you can import by clicking Import . If you have, just select it from the Material drop-down.


After Apply all the entered data in Edit Linear/Circular Rebar Layout window, you can change the location of the rebar layout at the analytical coordinate system by clicking Points Spreadsheet under three-dots.


Applying the same procedure, you can insert rebars at top and bottom. This time number of rows is set to 1 and rebar layouts placed twice for top and bottom, respectively.

 Quick Tip

The rebars are completed. This training example doesn’t require any tendon definition; the below steps explain how to add a tendon layout to the section.


To add tendon to your section click Tendon  at the Shapes tab.


After you import the material for the tendon and add the tendon to your section, you can rearrange the coordinates of the tendon.


Also, you can use a parametric relationship as input for Y1=d/2-10 (d = depth of the section). The position of the rebar depends on the section depth.

To see an example of rebar definition for a section, you can refer to the video below. The PierCapRec_Mid rebar definition is included.

SIG EX1 Section-Rebar definition.mp4

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