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Girder: Choose the two girders that are connected by the lateral bracing.

Left Girder Station: By aligning the direction with the PGL, users can determine the station for bracing on the left girder.

Right Girder Station: By aligning the direction with the PGL, users can determine the station for bracing on the right girder.

Section: A section for lateral bracing can be assigned. The data associated with this parameter will directly affect the Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Finite Element Model (FEM), and the 3D model.

Lateral Bracing Offset from Girder Web Center: For visual representation of lateral bracing offset from girder web center, refer to the figure below.

Left Web Longitudinal Offset: For visual representation of left web longitudinal offset , refer to the figure below.

Right Web Longitudinal Offset: For visual representation of right web longitudinal offset , refer to the figure below.

Orientation Angle[0/90/180/270]: Specify an angle for the bracing to rotate around its longitudinal axis.

Vert. Offset from Top of Web [Top Flange/Bottom Flange]: The lateral bracing can be generated at the location of the top flange, at the location of the bottom flange, or at a location determined by this parameter from the top flange.This parameter can be specified to determine the location of lateral bracing in the Z direction.





Gusset Plate

The parameters related to the gusset plates of the bracings can be defined in this section. The parameters listed below are used for 3D representation. While gusset plates do not have a finite element model (FEM) and do not provide additional stiffness to the elements, they can still be applied as weight loads and used for code checks, depending on user-defined settings and specifications.

To view the 3D model of the gusset plates, make sure the DETAILING button is enabled (located on the middle sidebar at the top of the screen).

Plate Thickness: This parameter can be used to specify the thickness of the related gusset plate.

# of Bolts (Long.): The number of bolts in the longitudinal direction can be specified by this parameter.

# of Bolts (Trans.): The number of bolts in the transverse direction can be specified by this parameter.

Bolt Spacing (Long.): The spacing of the bolts in the longitudinal direction can be specified by this parameter.

Bolt Spacing (Trans.): The spacing of the bolts in the transverse direction can be specified by this parameter.

Bolt Spacing @ Center (Long.): This parameter specifies the spacing of the bolts in the middle along the longitudinal direction.

Bolt Edge Distance (Long.): The distance between the outermost bolt center and the plate edge in the longitudinal direction can be arranged with this parameter.

Bolt Edge Distance (Trans.): The distance between the outermost bolt center and the plate edge in the transverse direction can be arranged with this parameter.

Gusset Plate Bolt Property: A previously defined bolt property can be assigned for bolt definitions to be used in gusset plates.

Plate Distance Outside Flange (Trans.): For the section of the gusset plate that exceeds the flange width of the related section, the distance can be arranged.

Corner Chamfer: The chamfer of the plate can be defined by this parameter.

Show Bolts (Detailing) [YES/NO]: To display bolts in the 3D view, the detailing option must be turned on with "Show Bolts" set to "Yes." However, enabling this option increases the triangulation number, leading to slower performance. To reduce compile time, disabling the detailing option can be helpful.

Plate Material: Assign a material for the plate. The materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined options under Properties → Materials.



Connection [Top node of web/Bottom node of web]: This parameter specifies whether the finite element model of the bracing is connected to the girder web's top node or bottom node.

Axial Rigidity Coefficient: This parameter specifies the axial rigidity coefficient of the bracing.

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