Code Check Template: The code check template is utilized to extract global parameters, results from finite element analysis, and limit states employed in the design process.
Pier Cap: Pier cap or bent for code check. The selected object is only used for extracting the results of an analysis and performing demand computation. Capacity computation will rely on the reinforcement information and section collected in this section.
Code Check Loc(Dist from Right End):
Design Section w Rebars(or Tendons)[Override Section/Section from 3D]:
Override Section: If the override section is selected, then the section entered by the user to override the section(w/ longitudinal rebars) parameter will be used for code check purposes. This is typically done if the user wants to try different rebar or section alternatives within one design run and doesn't want to change the active pier cap data.
Section from 3D: If the section from 3D is selected, then the code check object will automatically create a section at code check station with longitudinal rebars from the pier cap. Make sure that all required reinforcement data is entered into the pier cap.
Override Section: Select a section that contains longitudinal rebars. This section will be used for capacity computations at the proposed station entered in the 'Code Check Loc(Dist from Right End)' parameter.
Shear Reinforcement Data[User Input/From 3D]: If 3D is selected, make sure that all required reinforcement data is entered into the pier cap.
Below parameters are active If Shear Reinforcement Data is selected as User Input
Shear Reinforcement Profile: Select the shear reinforcement profile
Shear Reinforcement Material: Select the shear reinforcement materialSpacing of the Shear Reinforcement:
No. of Legs of Shear Reinforcement:
Check For[Flexure Only/All]: The rigid beam connection between the pier and the pier cap may lead to high shear forces in a station located within the pier region during finite element analysis. As a result, evaluating shear in these areas may result in incorrect predictions of failure. To mitigate this issue, users can opt to examine flexure only in these regions.
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