Girder: The girder to which the splice plate belongs.
Station [ft]: Station along the PGL.
Gap Between Girders [in]: It represents the gap between the girders connected by the splice plate. It has no effect in 3D. If there is a geometric difference between the girders at the splice plate's connection point (e.g., flange thickness, flange width), it is recommended to enter a non-zero value for this parameter.
Web Weld Size [in]: The thickness of the weld joining the web and flange. (It affects the inner plate width.)
Web Weld Clearance [in]: Web weld clearance refers to the gap between the web of a steel beam and the surface of an adjoining steel plate or member before welding. (It affects the inner plate width.)
Web Splice
Plate Thickness [in]:
# of Bolts (Horz.):
# of Bolts (Vert.):
Bolt Spacing (Horz.) [in]:
Bolt Spacing (Vert.) [in]:
Bolt Spacing @ Center [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Horz.) [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Vert.) [in]:
Plate Material:
Top Flange Splice
Inner Plate Thickness [in]:
Outer Plate Thickness [in]:
# of Bolts (Longitudinal):
# of Bolts (Transverse):
Bolt Spacing (Longitudinal) [in]:
Bolt Spacing (Transverse) [in]:
Bolt Spacing @ Center (Longitudinal) [in]:
Bolt Spacing @ Center (Transverse) [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Longitudinal) [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Transverse) [in]:
Plate Material:
Bottom Flange Splice
Inner Plate Thickness [in]:
Outer Plate Thickness [in]:
# of Bolts (Long.):
# of Bolts (Trans.):
Bolt Spacing (Longitudinal) [in]:
Bolt Spacing (Transverse) [in]:
Bolt Spacing @ Center (Long.) [in]:
Bolt Spacing @ Center (Trans.) [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Long.) [in]:
Bolt Edge Distance (Trans.) [in]:
Plate Material:
Web Bolt Property: Choose the bolt that will be utilized for the web.
Flange Bolt Property: Choose the bolt that will be utilized for both the top and bottom flanges.
Show Bolts (Detailing):To display bolts on the 3D view, the detailing option must be turned on with show bolts=yes. However, enabling this option increases the triangulation number, leading to slower performance. To reduce compile time, disabling the detailing option can be helpful.
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