Skew Angle [deg]:
Station [ft]:
Bottom Chord Section:
Diagonal Chord Section:
Gusset Plate
top gusset width [in]:
top gusset height [in]:
top gusset offset [in]:
number of bolt columns at top gusset [in]:
number of bolt rows at top gusset [in]:
bolt horizontal spacing at top gusset [in]:
bolt vertical spacing at top gusset [in]:
bottom gusset width [in]:
bottom gusset height [in]:
bottom gusset offset [in]:
number of bolt columns at bottom gusset [in]:
number of bolt rows at bottom gusset [in]:
bolt horizontal spacing at bottom gusset [in]:
bolt vertical spacing at bottom gusset [in]:
center gusset plate width [in]:
center gusset plate height [in]:
gusset plate thickness [in]:
bolt diameter [in]:
bolt to gusset plate edge distance [in]:
web centerline to gusset plate edge distance [in]:
Show Bolts (Detailing):
vertical stiffener thickness [in]:
vertical stiffener width [in]:
horz. chord offset from web [in]:
diag. chord offset from top [in]:
diag. chord offset from bottom [in]:
diag. chord offset from top chord [in]:
diag. chord offset from bot. chord [in]:
Top offset from top of web [in]:
Bottom offset from bot. of web [in]:
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