The "Export" object serves as a container for parameters or definitions of other objects intended for sharing with various components within a library. This object type plays a crucial role in establishing parametric relationship between different library components by providing the parameter and object information it contains when called by its type.
When an object is called by its type within the OpenBrIM-App, the system navigates to library and find the object by type. After line by line processing of the code, parameters that do not have role="Input" are being erased from memory. For communication with other objects, all parameters and objects that need to be retained for this reason should be defined within "Export" so that they are not deleted. As a result, the parameters within the "Export" object are moved to the App's Source Code.
The operating of two separate Objects created in the Library in the OpenBrIM App:
... ... <O T="Export"> <O N="Parameters" T="Group"> <P N="Topelevation" V="depth" /> <P N="ElevationDif" V="Topelevation+25" /> </O> <O N="refline" T="Line" D="Reference Line"> <O N="R1" T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="Topelevation" /> <O N="R2" T="Point" X="length" Y="width" Z="Topelevation" /> </O> </O> </O> |
The library code illustrated above exports a reference line named refline exports elevation parameters named Topelevation and ElevationDif. When this object called by its type in the App, the parameters and line object are exported to the project source code as demonstrated below. |
To view this example in the library, see(
Let’s see how library components are using other components' parameters or sub-objects that are exported to the source code;
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