After each construction stage, the finite element analysis produces results that can be utilized to ensure structural compliance with codes. To create the stages correctly, users must understand the underlying logic. At the start of the stage construction analysis, all structural elements are in an unconstructed state.
Please follow the instructions provided below to construction stages.
1 | Navigate to Loading > Construction Stage | |
2 | Begin by defining a construction stage and then enter the preceding stage for that construction stage. | |
3 | Ensure that the "Prior Stage" cell is “Null” as the first stage of the construction process does not have a preceding stage. | |
4 | To assign the data in the "Construction Method" and "Filter by load type cells" click on the three dot-icon and select the appropriate option from the combobox. | |
5 | Enter the data as follows for 1st Stage: Name: BridgeConst Prior Stage: NULL Construction Method: None Filter by Load Type: Dead Active: Yes | |
6 | Please repeat steps 2 through 5 to define all of the construction stages in the project. | |
7 | You can make adjustments to the "Time Dependent" tab if you wish. | |
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9 | Navigate to AASHTO N-3N tab. | |
10 | If you wish to modify the modulus of elasticity for each stage, assign a specific material value to the material parameter. Additionally, enter the Composite Section parameter as "long-term" for permanent loads and "short-term" for temporary loads. In this section, the parameter values from "default" will be maintained constant without any changes. | |
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Follow the below steps to copy and paste all inputs from our data set.
1 | Navigate to Construction Stage under Loading on the tree view. |
2 | Copy Stage, Time Dependent and AASHTO N-3N from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Construction Stage | ||
Stage | Time Dependent | AASHTO N-3N |
BridgeConst NULL None Dead Yes DeckConst BridgeConst None Dead Yes PileConst DeckConst None Dead Yes FootingConst PileConst None Dead Yes ColumnConst FootingConst None Dead Yes EndBentConst ColumnConst None Dead Yes GirderErection EndBentConst None Dead Yes SIPFormConst GirderErection None Dead Yes DeckConstPour SIPFormConst None Dead Yes DeckConstHard DeckConstPour Equal Dead Yes BarrierConst DeckConstHard None Imposed Dead Yes LiveLoadStage BarrierConst None Live (Vehicular + Impact) Yes WindonStructureStage BarrierConst None Wind on Structure Yes TUExpStage BarrierConst None Temperature Yes TUContStage BarrierConst None Temperature Yes BrakingStage BarrierConst None Braking Yes CentrifugalStage BarrierConst None Centrifugal Yes LLFatigueStage BarrierConst None Live (Vehicular + Impact) Yes WindLLStage DeckConst None Wind on Live Yes LiveLoadStage2 DeckConst None Live (Vehicular + Impact) Yes CentrifugalStage2 DeckConst None Centrifugal Yes WindonStructureStage2 DeckConst None Wind on Structure Yes CollisionStage BarrierConst None Vehicular Collision Yes BrakingStage2 DeckConst None Braking Yes | BridgeConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include DeckConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include PileConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include FootingConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include ColumnConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include EndBentConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include GirderErection 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include SIPFormConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include DeckConstPour 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include DeckConstHard 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include BarrierConst 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include LiveLoadStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include WindonStructureStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include TUExpStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include TUContStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include BrakingStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include CentrifugalStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include LLFatigueStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include WindLLStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include LiveLoadStage2 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include CentrifugalStage2 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include WindonStructureStage2 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include CollisionStage 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include BrakingStage2 0.0000 NA 72.0000 80.0000 Include Include Include Include Include | BridgeConst NULL NA DeckConst NULL NA PileConst NULL NA FootingConst NULL NA ColumnConst NULL NA EndBentConst NULL NA GirderErection NULL NA SIPFormConst NULL NA DeckConstPour NULL NA DeckConstHard NULL NA BarrierConst NULL NA LiveLoadStage NULL NA WindonStructureStage NULL NA TUExpStage NULL NA TUContStage NULL NA BrakingStage NULL NA CentrifugalStage NULL NA LLFatigueStage NULL NA WindLLStage NULL NA LiveLoadStage2 NULL NA CentrifugalStage2 NULL NA WindonStructureStage2 NULL NA CollisionStage NULL NA BrakingStage2 NULL NA |