1 | Go to Properties/Materials. | |
2 | In 1st row, click-three-dots icon under Name and click Import Material. | |
3 |
| |
4 | From Database drop-down, select Steel Material Database (US) | |
5 | Select Category as Structural Steel | |
6 | Select Asset as A709_50. | |
7 | Click Import | |
8 | Check the imported material placed in 1st row including the mechanical properties | |
9 |
| |
10 | From Database drop-down, select Concrete Material Database (US). | |
11 | Select Category as Cube. | |
12 | Select Asset as FcCube_4ksi | |
13 | Click Import. | |
14 | Check the change in Materials data spreadsheet | |
15 | Check the Steel column and Concrete column for the material type-specific properties. |
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