OpenBrIM Release 3.230904
Nested Subfolders: Introducing the ability to create nested subfolders directly from the new project screen. Now you can structure your projects with multiple levels of subfolders, making project management more intuitive and efficient.
Project Name: We've implemented a project name uniqueness check within the respective folders.
Midas Export: This update addresses the reported issues related to Springs and boundary condition data in Midas exports.
Maximum Rebar Stress: You can utilize the section editor menu to visualize the maximum rebar stress under a given axial force and moment.
OpenBrIM Release 3.230919
RSA: Improved the user interface for response spectrum. RSA analysis results are now displayed separately when executed during the construction stage.
Max Tensile Rebar Stress: Resolved a convergence issue that occurred when computing the maximum tensile rebar stress under specific axial force and moment conditions, particularly when the moment value approached zero.
Save/Load Filter Criteria: Users now have the capability to save and load their filter criteria for FEA results. Even when the spreadsheet undergoes changes, filter settings remain intact, ensuring that users encounter the same filter configuration when they revisit the same spreadsheet.
Input Validation: To address the issue of the project appearing empty and the 3D geometry not displaying upon the project's initial opening due to invalid inputs, we have implemented a solution. Now, we attempt to compile the project and create a 3D view when users first open it, even if input validation is unsuccessful.
Workspace administrators can now access all snapshots without requiring specific project access.
Export Enhancements: Midas/Larsa 4D export bug fixes
OpenBrIM Release 3.230929
Doc View: The Documents View now also displays reports from compiled projects. This gives users the option to view certain reports that do not require finite element analysis results, such as quantity reports and input reports, without having to run the design.
Spreadsheet Read-only Parameter: Spreadsheets can now display a read-only parameter, with its initial use case being the referencing of objects inherently designated as read-only.
Time graphs: The Docgraph Paramml object now offers support for time graphs.
Spreadsheet Cell Action: The "Set to Current Selection" spreadsheet cell action will only be active when there is at least one selected object. It has been enhanced with a type check to ensure the correct object selection for the chosen parameter and prevent any errors.
Introducing an Edit Cell Action for all spreadsheets to allow modification of selected multi-cells.
Section Editor: The "Edit Properties" feature for tendon and rebar layout didn't properly update the Section Editor view. To view the updated parameter, it was necessary to reopen the editor. Additionally, the update to the tendon layout user interface changes "Strand Count" to "Strands per Tendon."
Design Button: When the confirmation dialog for design is closed by clicking the X button in the top right corner, the design button remains disabled. This issue has been fixed.
Delete Project: Deleted projects are automatically removed from the project list, without necessitating a webpage refresh from the user.
Animation For Mode Shapes: Introduces an option to either animate or not animate the modal shape, rather than animating it by default.
Section Editor Undo: The section editor now responds to Ctrl+Z for undo actions.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231010
Stage Treeview: The ability to open the stage tree view, which shows the order of stages and activities at each stage, can now be accessed from the workflow tree.
DGN Export: The CAD container offsets were not exported to the DGN file, but this issue has now been fixed.
Copy-pasting from the clipboard: A bug fix has been introduced for the following case: when copying and pasting from the clipboard, referencing object parameters are computed for each parameter of the object, resulting in duplicate objects within the referencing objects.
Import Section View: The ability to visualize sections in the import screen. Bug fix for scroll.
ParamML New Functionality: Introduces an automated method for generating station-dependent sections, which can reduce the complexity of PARAMML code.
Opacity Reset All: The opacity reset all functionality has been introduced to return the user to the project's original, unmodified settings after the user overrides the opacity for individual objects.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231012
Data Export: Introducing the capability to export scatter graph data to Excel and copy data to the clipboard. This new feature proves useful for exporting interaction diagram points in code check reports.
ParamML: Option to create a femesh with bidirectional felines. This new feature empowers library object authors to utilize femesh with two-directional felines.
Duplicate section: Bug fix for the duplicate section cell action: It now accurately duplicates parameters and rebar line layouts.
OpenBrIM Release 3.231015
UI Freeze: Introduced enhancements to improve the user experience with large projects to reduce the occurrence of UI freezes during frequent data saving.
We have introduced a timer setting UI to allow users to determine save and compile frequencies. Users can utilize the clock icon below to modify the settings.
The default save timer value has been adjusted from 2 seconds to 10 seconds, and the compile timer delay is now set to 5 seconds.
The project's save status can now be monitored from the menu bar, in addition to receiving notifications. A cloud icon indicates that there is no unsaved data, while a spinner icon signifies the presence of unsaved data, and users are advised not to close the browser.
After the user completes actions such as adding or deleting objects or modifying parameters, and avoids introducing these types of actions for a specified period (save timer), the project stabilizes in a steady state, at which point saving can occur. However, due to these actions, saving might not occur for an extended period. Additionally, a new feature has been introduced to ensure data loss prevention by automatically saving the project every two minutes, even when frequent timer resets occur due to various actions.
ParamML: The FEmesh object can now gather input data for element end releases to generate mesh output with end releases.
Circular Rebar: Support for the number of rebars and for the number of rebars per row has been deprecated in the rebar circular layout UI to simplify input complexity.
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