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Code Check Template: The code check template is utilized to extract global parameters, results from finite element analysis, and limit states employed in the design process.

Station Offset of Code Check Station from Right EndSection from Center: The code check station is measured from the right end when looking up-station from the alignment.Diaphragm Section Builtup or Rolled[RolledShape/BuiltupSection]:center, where positive values indicate the right side when looking upstream along the PGL.

Panel Type [InteriorPanel/EndPanel]: The terms "end panel" and "interior panel" are used to describe the sections of a steel girder plate that are positioned at the ends and interior sections of the girder, respectively, as depicted in the accompanying figure. The interior panels comprise the remaining segments of the girder that lie between the end panels.


Has Long. Stiffener [NO/YES]: Select "Yes" if the girder there is a longitudinal stiffener that passes through the diaphragm code check station is located between two transverse stiffeners..

Long. Stiff- Comp. Flange:

Has Trans. Stiffener [NO/YES]: Select "Yes" if there is a longitudinal stiffener that passes through the girder the diaphragm code check station .



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is located between two transverse stiffeners.

Transverse Stiffener Spacing: The spacing between the transverse stiffeners, as shown in the illustration below.

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