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Click “Rectangular Column” button in Figure 1 to draw column with rectangular section.

Click “Circular Column” button in Figure 1 to draw column with circular section.

Click “Arbitrary Column” button in Figure 1 to draw column with arbitrary section.




Rectangular Column

→ To draw a column with a rectangular section, click on the "Rectangular Column" button shown in Figure 1.

Circular Column

→ To draw a column with a circular section, click on the "Circular Column" button shown in Figure 1.

Arbitrary Column

→ To draw a column with an arbitrary section, click on the "Arbitrary Column" button displayed in Figure 1.


Figure 2


showcases the 3D view and plan drawing view of the columns are demonstrated in Figure 2.

Show if

Figure 2’deki görüntü kolonların çizilmiş görüntüsüdür. Soldaki görüntü kolonların 3D halidir, sağdaki görüntü ise kolonların Autocadd’deki çizilmiş görüntüsüdür.


Figure 3

Properties as illustrated in Figure 3 can be edited later.


The properties in the spreadsheet, including material, width, depth, etc., as depicted in Figure 3, can be edited at a later stage.

Show Tributary

To view the tributary areas of columns and shearwalls on in the AutoCAD drawing as illustrated space, click on the "Show Tributary" button, as shown in Figure 4.

Show if

Kolon çizimleri yapıldıktan sonra Figure 3’te görülen ekranda gelen değerleri kullanıcı isteğine göre güncelleyebilir.

Figure 1’de Show Tributary butonuna tıklandığında AutoCAD çizimi üzerinde kolonlara ait tributary alanları Figure 4’deki gibi görülebilir.


1. This will display the tributary areas as depicted in Figure 4.
