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Stories içinde Shear Walls kısmına gelindiğinde Şekil-1’de görülen SpreadSheet butonuna tıklandığında 2 farklı buton görülmektedir. Bu butonlardan Shear Walls butonuna tıklandığında;



Şekil-2’de görülen ekran görülmektedir. Şekil-2’deki Shear Wall butonuna tıklandığında;



Cad çizimi yapılan bölgede kullanıcıdan shear wall çizmesini bekleyecektir. Bu çizimi yaptıktan sonra ise Şekil-3’teki default gelen değerler kullanıcı tarafından güncellenebilir.

Şekil-1’teki bu butonlardan Analytical Walls butonuna tıklandığında ;



Şekil-4’teki butonlar görülmektedir. Bu butonlardan Analytical Wall butonuna basıldığında kullanıcıdan Cad çizimi yapılan bölgede Analytical Wall çizmesini beklemektedir. Kullanıcı bu çizimi yaptıktan sonra;



Şekil-5’teki gibi bir görüntü oluşacaktır.

Image Removed


Şekil-6’te görülen, default gelen değerleri güncelleyebilir.

Şekil-6’da görülen property’lerden Elevation View sütunundaki Show butonuna tıklandığında çizilen Analytical Wall'ın elevation view görüntüsü şekil-7’deki gibi görülebilmektedir.



Elevation View’in üzerine Şekil-4’te görülen Wall Opening butonuna tıklayarak Şekil-7’deki Shear Wall üzerine opening çizilebilir.

Bu çizimden sonra Şekil-4’teki Show Story butonuna basarak normal çizim görüntüsüne geri dönebilmektedirThis section facilitates the definition and creation of shear walls and analytical walls.

Shear Walls


Shear Wall

→ To draw a shear wall polygon, simply click on the "Shear Wall" button displayed in Figure 1. You can refer to Figure 2 to see a visual demonstration of a shear wall defined as a polygon.


→ To select or edit the shear wall material, refer to the spreadsheet displayed in Figure 3.


Plan View Cutout

→ To draw a cutout in an enclosed shear wall polygon, click the "Plan View Cutout" button as depicted in Figure 1. Draw the area to be cut out from the shear wall polygon, and then press "Enter" to confirm.




Analytical Wall

→ To switch on analytical wall definition, switch to “Analytical Definition” as demonstrated in Figure 1.


→ To draw analytical lines linked to shear walls, click on the "Analytical Wall" button shown in Figure 6. You can refer to Figure 7 to see an illustration of analytical lines associated with shear walls.



You can edit properties of the analytical wall, such as thickness, at a later stage, as depicted in Figure 8.

The "Analytical Design Line" column of the spreadsheet will be further explained in the Vertical Design Lines section.

→ To divide an analytical line and assign different properties to each segment of an analytical wall, click on the "No Break Pts" option. This action allows for the creation of breakpoints along the analytical line.

In cases where an analytical wall intersects with another analytical wall or analytical beam at a mid-point, the AEC|BOLT AUTOCAD App automatically generates a break point at the intersection. This break point signifies the discontinuity in the analytical line caused by the intersection. (Figure 9a)

By utilizing the "No Break Pts" feature, users can easily manage the segmentation of analytical walls and assign specific properties to each segment. This functionality enhances the flexibility and accuracy of modeling complex structural configurations and ensures precise representation of the structural elements in the AEC|BOLT AUTOCAD App.


To assign different thickness and reference line offset to an analytical wall with break points, you can specify the values by using a comma (",") to separate them.

Figure 9b showcases a hammerhead configuration observed in a shear wall. This specific arrangement demonstrates the positioning of breakpoints and refline offsets. By examining the diagram, you can observe how breakpoints are defined at the intersections of different segments within the shear wall. Additionally, refline offsets are depicted to indicate the variation in alignment between the segments.


The hammerhead situation exemplifies how the AEC|BOLT AUTOCAD App handles complex configurations and accurately represents them through the utilization of breakpoints and refline offsets. These definitions play a crucial role in accurately modeling and analyzing the shear wall geometry and behavior within the application.

By entering the appropriate values separated by commas, you can customize the thickness and reference line offset for each segment of the analytical wall with break points. This allows for precise control over the properties of individual segments and ensures accurate representation of the structural elements in the AEC|BOLT AUTOCAD App.

To ensure the correct corner intersection of two analytical walls linked to one shear wall, you should follow the guidelines illustrated in Figure 10. The corner intersection should be aligned in a specific manner to maintain the structural integrity and accuracy of the model.

Please refer to Figure 10 for a visual representation of the desired corner intersection configuration. It showcases the correct arrangement and alignment of the analytical walls at the corner, ensuring a proper connection to the shear wall.

By adhering to the depicted guidelines and aligning the analytical walls accordingly, you can achieve the desired corner intersection between the two walls, maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the structural model in the AEC|BOLT AUTOCAD App.


→ By selecting the "Elevation View" option for an analytical wall in the spreadsheet, users gain the ability to visualize the shear wall in an elevation view. This feature allows for a clear representation of the wall's vertical arrangement and facilitates the process of drawing wall openings at the appropriate locations. Figure 11a showcases the buttons that become active when the "Elevation View" option is selected.


In Figure 11b, i) elevation view and ii) plan view of the hammerhead shear wall presented above are demonstrated.


Wall Opening

→ To draw an opening in the analytical wall while in elevation view, simply click on the "Wall Opening" button depicted in Figure 11a. This button enables the user to create openings within the analytical wall, allowing for the incorporation of windows, doors, or other voids in the wall's structure.

By clicking the "Wall Opening" button, you can select the desired location on the elevation view of the analytical wall where you want to draw the opening. The tool provides the flexibility to define the size, shape, and position of the opening according to the project requirements.

→ Select shape of the opening as demonstrated in Figure 12. Draw the opening to analytical wall.


Figure 12


See a wall opening is generated on Figure 13, and “#of Shear Wall Opening” column cell of the corresponding analytical wall is updated.

→ Click “Back” button as in Figure 11b to go back to plan view.