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Follow the next steps to define construction of substructure bridge components. |
Proceed with Pier Cap/End Bent (Complete).
Select a Stage as SubstrConstStage.
Pick Pier Caps.
Click on PierCap1 and PierCap2.
Click Done.
Set Self Weight Factor to 1.
Go to Pier Cap/End Bent (Complete) under Substructure on the tree view.
Copy Pier Cap Construction from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.
Pier Cap/End Bent (Complete)
Pier Cap Construction
Info |
After clicking on ‘Construction> Substructure Construction> Pier Cap/Bent Construction' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Pier Cap Construction. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter. |
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Pier Cap/Bent Construction (Complete) [SIG] |
1 | 🖱️ Click three-dots icon on Stage cell and select a Construction Stage as SubstrConstStage. | |||||||||||
2 | As a result of these operations, an issue will appear on the OpenBrIM screen. This does not necessarily mean that any operation was done incorrectly. The issue will be resolved when the pier caps are define in the next step. | |||||||||||
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4 | 🖱️ Click three-dots on the cell of the Pier Caps/Bents and pick all the pier caps. | |||||||||||
5 | 🖱️ Keep the Self Weight Factor as default. | |||||||||||
6 | Proceed to the next step to verify the model. |
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Tip |
The completed pier cap/bent construction is illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips. |
Tip |
To view the entire procedure explained on this page, please watch the recorded Video below. |