Distance between Bottom Flange Edge and Web Centerline: The distance between the outer edge of the bottom flange and the centerline of the web can be specified using this parameter.
Users have the option to specify changes in the plate girder section dimensions either along the PGL or along the length of the girder. To access the editor, click on the three dots and choose "Edit (Spreadsheet)." If the user enters the length along the girder, the end station will be calculated automatically. Conversely, if the user enters the end station, the length data will be calculated automatically.
Bottom Flange Material:The material definition for the bottom flange can be made using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined ones.
Web Slope (readonly): This column displays the calculated slope of the web, derived from the input parameters provided by the user.
FEA Settings
Supports: On OpenBrIM, all bearings are generated at the center of the bottom plate of a tub girder. This applies when there is one bearing per tub girder at a specific station. To change the location or assign additional bearings, this parameter can be used.
Rigid Section: This parameter's definition is only used when there are two or more bearings at the same station.Rigid beams are employed to link the bottom nodes of tub girders with bearing locations/supports as seen in the screenshot below. Please refer to the following documentation to understand how to define rigid sections.
Additional Result Extraction St.: The results of FEComposite elements are generated for stations by default. If additional results are needed at a specific station, this parameter can be used. The FEA will not be affected; only the “Composite Element Forces” and “Composite Element Stresses” are calculated based on the “Additional Result Extraction Station” inputs.