The modeling of the bottom flange access hole for both FEM and 3D involves applying loads to the plate around the access hole to analyze the critical stress regions and their values. To achieve this, the FEComposite results for Fx on the related tub girder, and at the location of the access hole, must be defined in the Bottom Flange Access Hole Load object.
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To gather the related axial forces (specifically for the Strength Limit State), 1.Analyze the global model.
...or for Combination Cases, including LL cases, Composite/Non-composite cases, or for Limit States (max/min).
Plate: Specify the plate for which the analysis will be run.
Fx on Each Side: Specify the Fx force to be applied to the plate. Refer to the Info Panel above for further information on extracting the related axial force from the global model.
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After defining the parameters for the Bottom Flange Access Hole Load object and analyzing the model, users can go to the FEA view. Switch to Surface Stresses. Von Mises Stress: To obtain the desired FEM: |